GNOME 3622 Published by

System-config-schedule 0.0.1 has been released

System-config-schedule is a GUI for configuring a users crontab. It was started as a proposal for the schedule configuration needed for Fedora. Fedora uses Vixie crontab, but it should work with other cron servers aswell if the format of the config file is similar. The crontab is installed by using a secure temporary file which is installed by running 'crontab /tmp/file'. The crontab is read by using crontab -l.

The format of the name, system-config-schedule, follows the format of the other configuration tools for Fedora.

It is written in Python using pygtk.

- Features -
* Parse common or easy time expression into easy readable lines like:
"Every month".
* If you run it as root you may change to another users crontab.
* Simple and advanced mode. Where the advanced mode shows an overview and the time expression as it would look in a regular crontab configuration file.
* Add, delete and edit jobs.
* Titles of jobs by adding a comment after each job
* Commonly used time expression in radio buttons with customizable
arguments like 'Run every [ ] hour' in the add/edit dialog.
* No output checkbox adds a '>/dev/null 2>&1' to the command(and removes it if you deselect it).
* Advanced mode where you can edit the expression by typing them in.
* If you install it with 'make install' you get the pam authentication box asking for root password or if you want to run it unprivileged.
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