Gentoo 2518 Published by

tenshi 0.3 has been released with a lot of major improvements.

Tenshi was formerly known as wasabi. The name was changed to tenshi after we were informed that wasabi is a registered trademark relating to another piece of software.

The updated ebuild is available in portage at app-admin/tenshi.

Please read the docs carefully since the configuration syntax has changed a little, most notably in the time intervals specification which are now cron style based.

Here's the Changelog:

- added skip groups to speed parsing
- added cron-style specs instead of time periods
- added ability to send to multiple recipients, suggested by: Marc Doumayrou
- added solaris init file from Marc Doumayrou
- added logprefix option to handle non-syslog logs
- added status messages
- added log files perms check
- fixed missing headers in smtp code
- added hidepid feature
- replaced expand_repeats with builtin repeat queue

- What's tenshi?

This is a Gentoo hosted project initially developed for Gentoo infrastructure servers.

Tenshi is a log monitoring program, designed to watch one or more log files for lines matching user defined regular expressions and report on the matches. The regular
expressions are assigned to queues which have an alert interval and a list of mail recipients.

Queues can be set to send a notification as soon as there is a log line assigned to it, or to send periodic reports.

Additionally, uninteresting fields in the log messages (such as PID numbers) can be masked with the standard regular expressions grouping operators ( ). This allows cleaner and more readable reports. All reports are separated by host
name and all messages are condensed when possible.

The program reads a configuration file (tenshi.conf) and then forks a deamon for monitoring the specified log files.

Please read the example tenshi.conf and tenshi.8 man page for usage instructions.
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