Debian 10363 Published by

Chris Halls has released a test backport of OOo 1.1.0-3 for Debian GNU/Linux 3.0

I fixed the remaining problems with the Woody backport a while back and built some packages. I've only just got round to releasing them because the master repository lives on one of the recently compromised machines.

If you would like to try these packages out, add this line to your sources.list:

#debian OOo test backport (i386 only)
deb woody-test main contrib

I have also cleaned our repository and checked all remaining packages against a trusted version. I have also implemented Release file generation and signing for the archive. The release files will be signed with this key:

pub 1024D/C2D0F8F6 2003-12-12 Debian Team Archive
Signing Key (v1)
sub 1024g/1EDD7DC9 2003-12-12 [expires: 2004-12-11]

This key is signed by me.
