Linux 3057 Published by

A news story from, a community website for Sun's Java Desktop System:

I am posting this news story, as I believe it has been a success to the JDS Linux community.

For over a year has been working really hard trying to promote this fantastic Windows replacement OS, JDS Linux is literally the first Linux OS that seems to be ready to replace the very expensive Microsoft Windows desktop at a fraction of the cost. JDS Linux can provide everything that MS.Windows does plus more. In some aspects what has been fighting for in this last year is to provide what JDS was missing a community to provide 3rd party applications and games to complete the desktop OS. After had a slow start it had a successful month last month with over 4000 downloads including applications & games, JDS Linux was the first Linux Distro to have the new Acrobat Reader 7 available for download and upgrade packaged and prepared by The site is continuously working hard to provide the best support for the community and the latest software for all JDS users. With the above amount of downloads in just one month I guess it is safe to say that is starting to produce what people want and need for their JDS desktop, and to continue increasing the amount of software packaged and support for JDS Linux I would recommend everyone to visit the JDS Apps or Games page and check out the software package collection that is available. would like to request for your support by letting us know, what software packages you wish could provide for JDS and what software packages are available but not required so that when JDS-R3 is released we can concentrate in providing the software packages that everyone needs instead of packing software that will never be downloaded or used.

Above all I would also like to thank you all for taking your time in reading this message and I hope to see you all logged in and downloading.
We are happy to at service and we are glad to provide, but we can only help you if you let us know what you require, just visit to let us know.

Ricardo Wagemaker