GNOME 3637 Published by

I'm pleased to announce a new stable release of Tracker (version 0.5.3) - the all-in-one indexer, search tool and extensible metadata database.

Tarball :

New Features :

* Fixed memory leaks when indexing (typical mem usage should now be ~6MB RSS when indexing large numbers of files)

* New improved metadata engine now sports multiple values per metadata item and rdf style recursive metadata relationships

* Support for Dublin Core types (especially for metadata relationships)

* Changed command line options for trackerd to be similiar to other programs

* Changed metadata names to reflect rdf style syntax (Eg DC:Keywords)

* Improved indexing of numeric data so that only meaningful numbers are indexed (IE must contain 5 or more consecutive numbers to be indexable)

* Improved indexing of filenames so that hyphens and underscores are used as word breaks to create a delimited filename in addition to the full filename.

* Improved snippet generator to start/end on a word break if possible

What is it?

Tracker is a personal search tool and storage system that allows you to search and enhance your personal data with the minimum of fuss.

It allows you to find the proverbial needle in your computer's haystack as well as providing a one stop solution to the organisation, storage and categorisation of your data.

What does it do?

Tracker trawls through your data and organises it so that it can be retrieved extremely quickly later on via simple searches.

This organisation puts your data into categories so that application like photo managers and music players can instantly find relevant content automatically

Tracker enables you to tag your data with keywords which can be used to find related information or to group and categorise your data further

Tracker lets you extend your data with additional metadata

Mr Jamie McCracken