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Ubuntu Rescue Remix 11.04 has been released

Version 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) of the very best Free-Libre Open-Source data recovery software toolkit based on Ubuntu is out.

This version features and up-to-date infrastructure and several new packages including Dump, a backup and restore solution as well as Clamav, the best in free-libre Antivirus software.

Ubuntu-Rescue-Remix features a full command-line environment with the newsest versions of the most powerful free/libre open-source data recovery software including GNU ddrescue, Photorec, The Sleuth Kit and Gnu-fdisk.

*** Download the live CD/USB ***

The live Remix provides a full shell environment. You can download it here:

md5sum 3b5a692ee1080cc8ed8dfcedec09a321 UbuntuRescueRemix1104.iso
size = 224M

See this link for details about how to burn the ISO image to make a bootable cd. Those instructions apply to the original Ubuntu iso image but will also work with all other iso images.

This iso image is also compatible with the excellent USB Startup Disk Creator that is included with Ubuntu since 9.04 (System - Administration - USB Startup Disk Creator). Use it to put the Rescue Remix along with a persistent home on any USB flash drive.

PendriveLinux also provides an excellent way for Windows users to put Ubuntu-Rescue-Remix on a stick.

*** Metapackage ***

Would you prefer to work with a full graphical interface?

The live environment has a very low minimum requirement due to the fact that there is no graphical interface (powerful command-line only). If you prefer to work in a graphical environment, a metapackage is available which will install the data recovery and forensics toolkit onto your current Ubuntu Desktop system.

The toolkit can also be installed on a live USB Ubuntu Desktop with persistent data. To do so boot into your USB system and add the following archive to your software channels:

Copy the line below and adding it to your system's software sources.

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/arzajac/ppa/ubuntu natty main

Then authenticate this software source by running the following command:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys BDFD6D77

Then, install the "ubuntu-rescue-remix-tools" package.

*** Help and Development ***

For help on recovering your lost data, visit the community documentation Data Recovery page, or ask on the ubuntu-rescue-remix forums.

If you want to expand the Rescue Remix's capabilities and features, please join in its development. Any and all help is welcome!

  Ubuntu Rescue Remix 11.04