Ubuntu 6614 Published by

Ubuntu Guide posted a story that Ubuntu Tweak 0.7.3 with support for Linux Mint 13 and Ubuntu 12.10 has been released

And a lot of bugs has been fixed:

LP: #993800 QuickList Editor lost Edits
LP: #1019812 Ubuntu Tweak crashes on ubuntu 12.10
LP: #1031741 Need to update utdata url
LP: #1013656 module import error and administration doesn?t work
LP: #1014799 Tweak tab hangs with testing
LP: #1016199 LightDM plugin should be active if lightDM is the DM
LP: #1014300 Screen edges actions are reversed in right to left locals
LP: #1015835 Janitor crash when try to select apt cache checkbox
LP: #1017820 Error message when clicking on ?Session indicator? when indicator-session is not installed isn?t clear enough
LP: #1021290 AttributeError: NoneType object has no attribute ?present?
LP: #1032883 ubuntu tweak scripts
  Ubuntu Tweak 0.7.3 Add support for Linux Mint 13 & Ubuntu 12.10