Debian 10318 Published by

The following Debian updates has been released:

[DLA 164-1] unace security update
[DSA 3179-1] icedove security update

[DLA 164-1] unace security update

Package : unace
Version : 1.2b-7+deb6u1
CVE ID : CVE-2015-2063
Debian Bug : 775003

Jakub Wilk discovered that unace, an utility to extract, test and view
.ace archives, contained an integer overflow leading to a buffer
overflow. If a user or automated system were tricked into processing a
specially crafted ace archive, an attacker could cause a denial of
service (application crash) or, possibly, execute arbitrary code.

[DSA 3179-1] icedove security update

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Debian Security Advisory DSA-3179-1 Moritz Muehlenhoff
March 03, 2015
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Package : icedove
CVE ID : CVE-2015-0822 CVE-2015-0827 CVE-2015-0831 CVE-2015-0836

Multiple security issues have been found in Icedove, Debian's version of
the Mozilla Thunderbird mail and news client: Multiple memory safety
errors and implementation errors may lead to the execution of arbitrary
code or information disclosure.

For the stable distribution (wheezy), these problems have been fixed in
version 31.5.0-1~deb7u1.

For the unstable distribution (sid), these problems have been fixed in
version 31.5.0-1.

We recommend that you upgrade your icedove packages.

Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: