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For those AMD Radeon customers disappointed by the buggy and poor performance of the Catalyst Linux graphics driver with Steam games, Valve has released a preview driver via their SteamOS repository

From Phoronix:
Last night there was a SteamOS 01/07/14 Alchemist Beta update and besides fixing the Steam Controller firmware upgrade process, it also updated the AMD Catalysy driver. The Catalyst driver now packaged is a "preview release 13.11 Beta 9.9."

Former NVIDIA Linux engineer turned Valve employee and Phoronix reader, Pierre-Loup A. Griffais, mentioned as a comment to the SteamOS beta update, "This update upgrades the Catalyst driver in our repositories with a preview release. This build should fix the poor in-game performance and malfunctioning return to desktop functionality. Known problems include tearing and poor overlay performance in-game; please install them and post your feedback!"
  Valve Ships An AMD Preview Driver For SteamOS