Software 43063 Published by

The Wine development release 3.19 is now available

What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Support for file I/O completion modes.
- WaitOnAddress synchronization primitives.
- Better support for 32-bit .NET binaries on 64-bit.
- Improved recovery on broken RPC connection.
- Various bug fixes.

The source is available from the following locations:

Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:

You will find documentation on

You can also get the current source directly from the git
repository. Check for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.


Bugs fixed in 3.19 (total 31):

26198 BrainSplode! is not rendered properly
26936 Advanced SystemCare 6.4 crashes on startup with divide by zero in LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE handler ('LISTVIEW_GetCountPerColumn' doesn't account for zero item height)
28923 utorrent 2.2.1 causes a comctl32 assert
34711 Terraria Server 1.2.0.x fails on startup (needs CLSID_UPnPNAT {ae1e00aa-3fd5-403c-8a27-2bbdc30cd0e1})
38189 Multiple applications want 'IHTMLDocument2::put_charset' implementation (Yarxi dictionary, iPed 7G 2019)
38422 SentriLock SentriCard utility installer 4.0.x crashes with arithmetic exception due to large input rect in 'GdipMeasureCharacterRanges'
38960 Multiple applications need 'kernel32.SetFileCompletionNotificationModes' implementation (Steam 'steamwebhelper.exe' and Blizzard desktop app CEF v3.2+/Chromium v44+ crash in Win7 mode, Sony Xperia Companion 1.7.x)
39207 Battlefield 2 Demo - Crashes
39355 The Guild 2 Demo installer crashes when starting copying files
40289 winedbg --gdb fails to create process
40470 Wine builtin wordpad.exe crashes with Wine 1.6.2 (out-of-bounds array access in registry_set_filelist)
40534 Advanced SystemCare 6.4 crashes while retrieving WMI class 'Win32_PhysicalMedia' properties due to unimplemented 'ISWbemPropertySet::get_Count' method
43177 ClassicStartMenu from Classic Shell 4.3.0 crashes on unimplemented function dwmapi.127 (undocumented DwmpGetColorizationParameters)
43848 Grand Theft Auto 5 and Tomb Raider 2013 need DepthBiasClamp
44052 Multiple applications and games fail to run due to missing D2D device and device context and multiple API stubs (Temple+, 'Simple2D' examples)
44355 FACEIT Desktop client crashes on startup
44912 Tibia client reports 'Failed to launch game', needs 'ntdll.RtlCreateUserProcess' implementation
45197 Project CARS 2 hangs on startup (unhandled standard multisample quality levels)
45199 Many applications and games fail to start/crash after compiling wine with gcc 8.1.0 and -O2 (GOT/PIC register load code now emitted at function entry, missing hotpatch signatures)
45659 Paint Shop Pro 2018/2019 Installer complains:`` JavaScript is disabled``, then aborts
45904 RasAero II crashes in wine-1.6.2 when button is pressed due to argument conversion exception.
45922 32-bit Black Desert Online 1.0.4.x client crashes on startup (custom imports resolver can't cope with some ucrtbase functions being forwarded to ntdll)
45932 Assassin's Creed gameplay freezes after looking around with mouse
45955 Wineconsole: font size is not scaled with system dpi settings
45971 K-Shoot Mania: Some objects aren't drawn properly.
45972 Lego Mindstorms EV3 1.3.1 installer crashes
45982 SofTalk 1.56: Exit abnormally when pressing "Play" button ("Run-time error '5': Invalid procedure call or argument")
45994 Affinity Designer crashes on unimplemented mscms.WcsEnumColorProfilesSize
45995 Affinity Designer crashes on unimplemented kernel32.MoveFileTransactedW
45996 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call Of Prypyat DX11 benchmark has visual artifacts
46024 Qt applications crash after call to WTOpen without tablet hardware attached
  Wine 3.19 released