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Alexandre Julliard has announced a new development version of Wine with more large scale cleanups to support 'long' type, proper support for API sets, progress on the PE conversion of USER32 and WineALSA, a number of HID joystick fixes, and various bug fixes.

Wine release 7.3

The Wine development release 7.3 is now available.

What's new in this release:
- More large scale cleanups to support 'long' type.
- Proper support for API sets.
- Progress on the PE conversion of USER32 and WineALSA.
- A number of HID joystick fixes.
- Various bug fixes.

The source is available from the following locations:

Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:

You will find documentation on

You can also get the current source directly from the git
repository. Check for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.


Bugs fixed in 7.3 (total 15):

38210 WshScriptExec's StdIn StdOut and StdErr are missing.
41386 Motocross Madness 2 crashes on start
44635 Multiple games need ID3DXEffect CloneEffect (Gray Matter, Black and White 2)
44658 Multiple Win7+ APIset lookup/resolver tools need 'ApiSetMap' field in PEB (ApiSetView, Dependencies)
48096 Mulle Meck: Unhandled exception when starting game
48201 Unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.SetCurrentConsoleFontEx
48733 Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 web-installer needs ncrypt.dll.NCryptOpenStorageProvider implementation
48760 ConEmu shows 'GetConsoleProcessList failed' at startup
51103 d3d11:d3d11 crashes on Windows + NVidia
52155 kernel32:pipe times out on 64-bit Wine
52290 Playground Sessions crashes on startup
52434 Light Blue theme has rendering errors in tree views
52526 Trails to Azure (Geofront patch) crashes on unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.InitializeContext
52561 d3dx9_36:math crashes on Windows 8.1 and cw-rx460
52583 ApiSetView does not display export ordinals correctly


Changes since 7.2:

Alex Henrie (1):
comctl32/tests: Drop mru test workarounds for Windows <= 2000.

Alexandre Julliard (63):
kernel32: Forward SetThreadToken() to kernelbase.
make_specfiles: Sort the ApiSet dlls by name.
make_specfiles: Move some ApiSet dlls to the ntdll section.
api-ms-*: Forward to kernelbase instead of kernel32.
api-ms-*: Forward to kernelbase instead of advapi32.
api-ms-*: Forward to kernelbase instead of shlwapi.
api-ms-*: Forward to kernelbase instead of user32.
api-ms-*: Forward to kernelbase instead of version.
api-ms-*: Forward to combase instead of ole32.
api-ms-*: Forward to shcore instead of shlwapi.
api-ms-*: Forward to shcore instead of shell32.
api-ms-*: Forward to cfgmgr32 instead of setupapi.
api-ms-*: Forward to sechost instead of advapi32.
api-ms-*: Forward to cryptsp instead of advapi32.
secur32: Add stubs for DeleteSecurityPackageA/W.
winebuild: Add support for generating data-only DLLs.
winegcc: Add support for winebuild --data-only option.
makedep: Add support for winebuild --data-only option.
activeds.tlb: Build in data-only mode.
icmp: Build in data-only mode.
light.msstyles: Build in data-only mode.
lz32: Build in data-only mode.
mferror: Build in data-only mode.
mshtml.tlb: Build in data-only mode.
msimsg: Build in data-only mode.
normaliz: Build in data-only mode.
security: Build in data-only mode.
sfc: Build in data-only mode.
shdoclc: Build in data-only mode.
stdole2.tlb: Build in data-only mode.
stdole32.tlb: Build in data-only mode.
tzres: Build in data-only mode.
usp10: Build in data-only mode.
wmi: Build in data-only mode.
kernel32/tests: Add a few more tests for apisets.
kernel32: Move some more console functions to kernelbase.
winedump: Add dumping of the .apiset PE section.
winebuild: Add support for building apiset data.
apisetschema: Add dll.
kernel32/tests: Add tests for apiset query functions.
include: Add API set definitions.
ntdll: Add a global variable for the WoW PEB.
ntdll: Load the apiset schema at startup.
ntdll: Map imported apiset dlls to their target library.
ntdll: Map explicitly loaded apiset dlls to their target library.
ntdll: Implement ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence/Ex().
kernelbase: Implement IsApiSetImplemented().
apisetchema: Add some more kernelbase apisets.
apisetchema: Add some more kernel32 apisets.
apisetchema: Add some more combase apisets.
apisetchema: Add some more ole32 apisets.
apisetchema: Add some more advapi32 apisets.
apisetchema: Add some more gdi32 apisets.
apisetchema: Add some more user32 apisets.
apisetchema: Add some more sechost apisets.
apisetchema: Add some more shcore apisets.
apisetchema: Add some more shlwapi apisets.
apisetchema: Add some more winmm apisets.
apisetchema: Add some more comctl32 apisets.
apisetchema: Add some more misc apisets.
api-ms-*: Get rid of the apiset placeholder files.
include: Add a few locale definitions.
include: Update __MSABI_LONG definition for WINE_NO_LONG_TYPES support.

Alistair Leslie-Hughes (3):
include: Add AACMFTEncoder coclass.
mfplat: Correctly calculate url scheme length.
mfuuid: Add more schema CLSIDs.

Bernhard Kölbl (1):
include: Add missing required iface and retval for IMapView

Connor McAdams (1):
wined3d: Fix comment in wined3d_texture_vk_download_data().

Damjan Jovanovic (1):
krnl386.exe: Fix VxD filename format checks in __wine_vxd_open().

Daniel Lehman (1):
msxml3/tests: Fix some double-frees of BSTRs.

Dmitry Timoshkov (6):
riched20/tests: Add a test to see what richedit class flavours should be available.
comctl32/tests: Print id value as decimal.
comctl32/tests: Add iItem and uChanged to LVN_ITEMCHANGING/LVN_ITEMCHANGED context.
comctl32/tests: Add more LVM_INSERTITEM tests.
comctl32/listview: Send change notifications when inserting (LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED) items.
comctl32/listview: Fix changed notification mask for inserted items.

Eric Pouech (231):
mapi32: Enable compilation with long types.
mciavi32: Enable compilation with long types.
mcicda: Enable compilation with long types.
mciqtz32: Enable compilation with long types.
mciseq: Enable compilation with long types.
mciwave: Enable compilation with long types.
midimap: Enable compilation with long types.
mlang: Enable compilation with long types.
mmdevldr.vxd: Enable compilation with long types.
mmsystem.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
monodebg.vxd: Enable compilation with long types.
mountmgr.sys: Enable compilation with long types.
mp3dmod: Enable compilation with long types.
mprapi: Enable compilation with long types.
mpr: Enable compilation with long types.
msacm32.drv: Enable compilation with long types.
msacm.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
dsound: Enable compilation with long types.
dwrite: Enable compilation with long types.
gdiplus: Enable compilation with long types.
msacm32: Use extended structure definition for driver configuration.
http.sys: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
msado15: Enable compilation with long types.
msasn1: Enable compilation with long types.
msctf: Enable compilation with long types.
msctfmonitor: Enable compilation with long types.
msdaps: Enable compilation with long types.
msdmo: Enable compilation with long types.
msident: Enable compilation with long types.
msimtf: Enable compilation with long types.
msisip: Enable compilation with long types.
msnet32: Enable compilation with long types.
mspatcha: Enable compilation with long types.
msrle32: Enable compilation with long types.
msscript.ocx: Enable compilation with long types.
mssign32: Enable compilation with long types.
mstask: Enable compilation with long types.
msvfw32: Enable compilation with long types.
msvidc32: Enable compilation with long types.
msvideo.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
httpapi: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
mfreadwrite: Enable compilation with long types.
msacm32: Enable compilation with long types.
mshtml: Enable compilation with long types.
mmdevapi: Enable compilation with long types.
gdiplus/tests: Get rid of some GCC11 warnings (-Warray-bounds).
gdiplus: Get rid of gcc11 warnings (-Warray-bounds).
mscoree: Enable compilation with long types.
nddeapi: Enable compilation with long types.
ndis.sys: Enable compilation with long types.
netapi32: Enable compilation with long types.
netcfgx: Enable compilation with long types.
netio.sys: Enable compilation with long types.
netprofm: Enable compilation with long types.
newdev: Enable compilation with long types.
ntdsapi: Enable compilation with long types.
ntoskrnl.exe: Enable compilation with long types.
ntprint: Enable compilation with long types.
odbc32: Enable compilation with long types.
odbccp32: Enable compilation with long types.
ole2disp.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
ole2.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
olecli32: Enable compilation with long types.
olecli.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
oledb32: Enable compilation with long types.
oledlg: Enable compilation with long types.
olesvr32: Enable compilation with long types.
olesvr.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
mfplat: Enable compilation with long types.
msadp32.acm: Enable compilation with long types.
msg711.acm: Enable compilation with long types.
msgsm32.acm: Enable compilation with long types.
cmd: Enable compilation with long types.
cmd/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
packager: Enable compilation with long types.
pdh: Enable compilation with long types.
powrprof: Enable compilation with long types.
printui: Enable compilation with long types.
prntvpt: Enable compilation with long types.
propsys: Enable compilation with long types.
pstorec: Enable compilation with long types.
qmgr: Enable compilation with long types.
query: Enable compilation with long types.
qwave: Enable compilation with long types.
rasapi32: Enable compilation with long types.
rpcrt4: Enable compilation with long types.
rsaenh: Enable compilation with long types.
rstrtmgr: Enable compilation with long types.
rtutils: Enable compilation with long types.
sane.ds: Enable compilation with long types.
sapi: Enable compilation with long types.
schannel: Enable compilation with long types.
schedsvc: Enable compilation with long types.
sechost: Enable compilation with long types.
secur32: Enable compilation with long types.
scrobj: Enable compilation with long types.
serialui: Enable compilation with long types.
setupapi: Enable compilation with long types.
setupx.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
riched20: Enable compilation with long types.
quartz: Always allocate the entire VIDEOINFO structure.
ntdll/tests: Fully allocate SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INFORMATION.
kernel32/tests: Fully allocate SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INFORMATION.
kernel32/test: Fully allocate KEY_VALUE_*_INFORMATION.
oledb32/tests: Silence some gcc11 warnings (-Warray-bounds).
sfc_os: Enable compilation with long types.
shdocvw: Enable compilation with long types.
shell32: Enable compilation with long types.
shell.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
shlwapi: Enable compilation with long types.
snmpapi: Enable compilation with long types.
sound.drv16: Enable compilation with long types.
spoolss: Enable compilation with long types.
sppc: Enable compilation with long types.
sti: Enable compilation with long types.
storage.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
stress.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
sxs: Enable compilation with long types.
tapi32: Enable compilation with long types.
taskschd: Enable compilation with long types.
toolhelp.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
traffic: Enable compilation with long types.
twain_32: Enable compilation with long types.
typelib.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
uianimation: Enable compilation with long types.
uiautomationcore: Enable compilation with long types.
uiribbon: Enable compilation with long types.
url: Enable compilation with long types.
urlmon: Enable compilation with long types.
wusa: Set subsystem to GUI.
uninstaller: Set subsystem to GUI.
usbd.sys: Enable compilation with long types.
userenv: Enable compilation with long types.
user.exe16: Enable compilation with long types.
uxtheme: Enable compilation with long types.
vbscript: Enable compilation with long types.
vcomp*: Enable compilation with long types.
vcruntime140: Enable compilation with long types.
vcruntime140_1: Enable compilation with long types.
vdhcp.vxd: Enable compilation with long types.
vdmdbg: Enable compilation with long types.
ver.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
version: Enable compilation with long types.
virtdisk: Enable compilation with long types.
vmm.vxd: Enable compilation with long types.
vnbt.vxd: Enable compilation with long types.
vnetbios.vxd: Enable compilation with long types.
vssapi: Enable compilation with long types.
vtdapi.vxd: Enable compilation with long types.
vwin32.vxd: Enable compilation with long types.
w32sys.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
wer: Enable compilation with long types.
wevtapi: Enable compilation with long types.
wevtsvc: Enable compilation with long types.
ctapi32: Enable compilation with long types.
nsi: Enable compilation with long types.
comctl32/tests: Don't outdent todo_wine*.
kernel32/tests: Don't outdent todo_wine*.
ole32/tests: Don't outdent todo_wine*.
advapi32/tests: Don't outdent todo_wine*.
bcrypt/tests: Don't outdent todo_wine*.
oledb32/tests: Don't outdent todo_wine*.
shell32/tests: Don't outdent todo_wine*.
user32/tests: Don't outdent todo_wine*.
msxml3/tests: Don't outdent todo_wine*.
dwrite/tests: Don't outdent todo_wine*.
msacm32/tests: Don't outdent todo_wine*.
windowscodecs/tests: Don't outdent todo_wine*.
wiaservc: Enable compilation with long types.
wimgapi: Enable compilation with long types.
win87em.dll16: Enable compilation with long types. Enable compilation with long types.
windows.devices.enumeration: Enable compilation with long types.
windows.globalization: Enable compilation with long types. Enable compilation with long types.
wing.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
wininet: Enable compilation with long types.
winscard: Enable compilation with long types.
winsta: Enable compilation with long types.
wintab32: Enable compilation with long types.
wintab.dll16: Enable compilation with long types.
wintrust: Enable compilation with long types.
wlanapi: Enable compilation with long types.
wmp: Enable compilation with long types.
wmvcore: Enable compilation with long types.
wnaspi32: Enable compilation with long types.
winmm: Enable compilation with long types.
wineps.drv: Enable compilation with long types.
windowscodecs: Enable compilation with long types.
oleacc: Enable compilation with long types.
wsdapi: Enable compilation with long types.
wsock32: Enable compilation with long types.
wtsapi32: Enable compilation with long types.
winemapi: Enable compilation with long types.
activeds/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
adsldp/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
advapi32/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
advpack/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
amstream/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
apphelp/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
atl100/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
atl/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
avifil32/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
cabinet/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
comcat/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
comdlg32/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
comsvcs/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
credui/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
crypt32/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
cryptnet/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
cryptui/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
comctl32/tests: Use correct integral type.
comctl32/tests: Use inline function in expect*() macros to handle integral conversion.
dbghelp/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
dhcpcsvc/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
directmanipulation/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
dpvoice/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
dsdmo/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
dssenh/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
dwmapi/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
dxdiagn/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
explorerframe/tests: Use correct integral type.
explorerframe/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
faultrep/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
fusion/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
dplayx/tests: Use correct integral type.
dplayx/tests: Use function in checkFlags macro to handle integral conversion.
dplayx/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
dpnet/tests: Use correct integral type.
dpnet/tests: Enable compilation with long types.
dwrite/tests: Enable compilation with long types.

François Gouget (19):
msi/tests: Fix the trailing linefeed in an ok() message.
dinput/tests: Remove spaces before linefeeds.
dinput/tests: Remove an unneeded NULL cast.
d2d1/tests: Fix the spelling of an ok() message.
d3d11/tests: Fix the spelling of a couple of comments.
msdasql: Remove a couple of unneeded NULL casts.
kernel32/tests: Add a trailing linefeed to an ok() message.
hnetcfg: Fix the spelling of a TRACE() message.
ntdll: Fix the spelling of SystemPrioritySeparation.
iphlpapi: Fix ULONG comparisons, most notably for IPv4 addresses.
iphlpapi: Fix the IPv4 address network order for comparisons.
inetmib1: Avoid overflows in IPv4 address comparisons.
inetmib1: Fix the IPv4 address network order for comparisons.
ws2_32/tests: Remove the todo_wine on a test_recv() ok() call.
xinput1_3: Fix the spelling of a WARN() message and helper.
winebus.sys: Make hid_device_get_report_descriptor() static.
dbghelp: Fix the spelling and tweak the wording of a comment.
ncrypt: Add trailing linefeeds to ERR() messages.
winetest: Also trace the country and ANSI code page.

Gabriel Ivăncescu (3):
winepulse.drv: Expose audio devices to the application.
winepulse.drv: Cache the devices looked up in the registry.
winepulse.drv: Implement GetPropValue.

Giovanni Mascellani (2):
mfplat: Fix MFGetPlaneSize() behavior for invalid formats.
winegstreamer: Do not block forever if EOS races with command queue.

Hans Leidekker (9):
wbemprox: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
wbemprox/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
wbemdisp: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
wmiutils: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
wldap32: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
webservices: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
webservices/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
ncrypt: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
ncrypt: Fix resizing property array.

Henri Verbeet (1):
wined3d: Use the chunk allocator for GL vertex buffers.

Huw D. M. Davies (28):
winealsa: Remove alsa-pulse handle underrun workaround.
winealsa: Pass EDataFlow to alsa_try_open().
winealsa: Introduce a helper to retrieve the card name.
winealsa: Pass a unicode chunk2 to construct_device_id().
winealsa: Rewrite get_reg_devices() using the Nt registry api.
winealsa: Move get_endpoints_id to the unixlib.
winealsa: Explicitly store the name and channel count in the audio client.
winealsa: Use the global lock to lock the session.
winealsa: Introduce a stream structure.
winealsa: Move the pcm device opening to a helper.
winealsa: Move get_mix_format to the unixlib.
winealsa: Move is_format_supported to the unixlib.
winealsa: Move the stream creation to AudioClient_Initialize().
winealsa: Use the stream ptr to indicate the init state.
winealsa: Store the channel volumes in the stream.
winealsa: Remove an unnecessary check on the session channel count.
winealsa: Store the session channel vols in the stream.
winealsa: Store the session master volume in the stream.
winealsa: Store the session mute state in the stream volumes.
winealsa: Pass a stream ptr to alsa_{read|write}_data().
winealsa: Keep a copy of the dataflow in the stream.
winealsa: Use the sessions lock to lock the client's data.
winealsa: Use a pthread mutex for the stream lock.
winealsa: Use NtAllocateVirtualMemory() to alloc the buffers returned to the user.
winealsa: Move create_stream and release_stream to the unixlib.
winealsa: Move get_buffer_size to the unixlib.
winealsa: Move get_latency to the unixlib.
winealsa: Move get_current_padding to the unixlib.

Jacek Caban (60):
win32u: Move monitor_from_rect implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserClipCursor implementation from user32.
win32u: Move GetClipCursor implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserSetCursorPos implementation from user32.
win32u: Move MessageBeep implementation from user32.
win32u: Move GetCursorPos implementation from user.
win32u: Move window surfaces list from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserGetQueueStatus implementation from user32.
win32u: Move GetInputState implementation from user32.
win32u: Reset thread info in NtUserSetThreadDesktop.
win32u: Move NtUserGetAsyncKeyState implementation from user32.
win32u: Move ThreadDetach driver call from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserUnhookWinEvent implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserSetWinEventHook implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserNotifyWinEvent implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserSetWindowsHookEx implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserUnhookWindowsHookEx implementation from user32.
win32u: Move UnhookWindowsHook implementation from user32.
user32: Delay load setupapi.
gdi32: Link directly to user32.
win32u: Set user callbacks from user32 DllMain.
win32u: Move NtUserGetForegroundWindow implementation from user32.
win32u: Move primary palette handling from user32.
winex11: Get virtual screen rect from win32u.
winex11: Get primary monitor rect from win32u.
win32u/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
user32: Use a single struct for static and animated cursor icons.
user32: Store module as unicode string in cursoricon_object.
user32: Use ntuser object type constants.
user32: Simplify cursor hotspot handling.
user32: Factor out create_icon_frame.
user32: Introduce NtUserSetCursorIconData.
user32: Use create_cursoricon_object in CreateIconIndirect.
user32: Use create_cursoricon_object in CURSORICON_CreateIconFromANI.
user32: Simplify icon delay handling.
win32u: Move user lock from user32.
win32u: Move user_handles from user32.
win32u: Move cursor icon handle management from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserSetCursor implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserGetIconSize implementation from user32.
win32u/tests: Add cursor icon tests.
win32u: Move NtUserGetCursorFrameInfo implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserGetIconInfo implementation from user32.
user32: Directly use NtUserGetIconInfo in GetIconInfo.
user32: Use GetIconInfo in CopyIcon.
win32u: Move NtUserDrawIconEx implementation from user32.
mshtml: Don't try to bind custom events to Gecko event target.
user32: Don't access cursoricon_object directly in CopyImage.
win32u: Move get_icon_param and set_icon_param from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserRegisterHotKey implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserGetCursorInfo implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserGetGUIThreadInfo implementation from user32.
user32: Use NtUserGetGUIThreadInfo in GetActiveWindow.
user32: Use NtUserGetGUIThreadInfo in GetFocus.
win32u: Partially move handle_internal_message from user32.
win32u: Move call_current_hook implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserCallNextHookEx implementation from user32.
win32u: Move call_hooks implementation from user32.
win32u: Move GetWindowThreadProcessId implementation from user32.
win32u: Move IsWindow implementation from user32.

Lauri Kenttä (1):
po: Update Finnish translation.

Mark Harmstone (2):
winepulse.drv: Fetch actual application name, if possible.
winepulse.drv: Implement PKEY_AudioEndpoint_PhysicalSpeakers device prop.

Matteo Bruni (7):
include: Add missing CreateProcessWithTokenW() declaration.
ddraw: Filter out redundant discard maps.
d3dx9/tests: Fix initialization of texture levels > 0 in test_D3DXSHProjectCubeMap().
d3dx9/tests: Initialize an input variable.
d3dx9/tests: Get rid of unnecessary ifs.
d3dx9: Build with nameless unions.

Michael Stefaniuc (5):
dmsynth: Implement the synth GetFormat method.
dmsynth/tests: Add synth GetFormat tests.
dmsynth: Implement the sink GetDesiredBufferSize method.
dmusic: Forward GetFormat() to the corresponding synth & sink methods.
dmusic: Sync up the dmobject.c files.

Mohamad Al-Jaf (2):
wusa: Use case insensitive comparison for expressions.
ntdll: Fix the spelling of a comment.

Nikolay Sivov (39):
oleaut32: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
mfmediaengine/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
mfreadwrite/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
mfplay: Implement UpdateVideo().
mfplay: Handle shutdown state in media item methods.
mfplay: Fix IsProtected() return value.
mfplat/tests: Add a separate test function for MFGetPlaneSize().
winepulse: Use FAILED() instead of non-zero result check.
winegstreamer: Raise MESourceRateChanged on SetRate().
mf/session: Use nameless union for command structure.
mf/session: Initial implementation of playback rate change.
mfplay: Enable rate control methods.
mf/evr: Implement IsRateSupported().
mf/evr: Fix rate limits methods.
winegstreamer: Maintain playback rate value for the media source.
mfplay: Shutdown sources when media items are released.
mfplat: Fix playback rate handling in system time source.
mf/tests: Add some tests for rate support in SAR.
scrrun: Add a stub for pipe-based text stream.
mfmediaengine: Shutdown media source when clearing current presentation.
mfmediaengine: Implement GetResourceCharacteristics().
mfmediaengine: Handle realtime mode flag.
mfmediaengine: Implement GetPresentationAttribute().
mfmediaengine: Implement GetStreamAttribute().
usp10/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
usp10/tests: Remove workarounds for missing functions.
scrrun: Move IO mode check to writing helper.
scrrun: Use same write implementation for pipe stream.
wshom: Create standard streams when starting new process with Exec().
wshom: Implement standard streams properties for Exec object.
mfplat: Add VT_R4 case for propvariant tracing.
shcore/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
dxva2/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
t2embed/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
browseui/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
atlthunk/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
dispex/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
msxml3/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
comctl32/listview: Initialize subitem text buffer before drawing each subitem.

Paul Gofman (4):
wined3d: Clear GL backbuffer in wined3d_context_gl_init().
ntdll: Do not force 2G stack limit for the main thread of 64 bit process.
kernel32: Import RtlCaptureContext() instead of forwarding.
kernel32: Import RtlRestoreContext() instead of forwarding.

Piotr Caban (13):
concrt140/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
msvcp120/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
msvcp140_atomic_wait/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
msvcp140/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
msvcp90/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
msvcr100/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
msvcr120/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
msvcrtd/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
msvcr90/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
msvcrt/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
ucrtbase/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
msvcirt/tests: Fix uninitialized variable warning.
msvcirt/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.

Rafał Harabień (7):
user32/tests: Add tests for more static control styles.
user32/tests: Test static control exstyle.
user32/tests: Check client rect in static control tests.
user32: Fix handling of SS_ETCHEDHORZ/SS_ETCHEDVERT static control styles.
user32: Send WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC for all static control types.
user32/tests: Fix invalidation in static control tests.
user32/tests: Remove now unused TODO_COUNT in static tests.

Roman Pišl (3):
kernel32/tests: Add test for GetConsoleProcessList.
server: Add console process list ioctl.
kernel32: Implement GetConsoleProcessList.

Rémi Bernon (56):
winebus.sys: Only call SDL_HapticRumbleInit if supported, as a fallback.
winebus.sys: Request haptics effect to stop when only when needed.
winebus.sys: Stop haptics effects using the right function.
winebus.sys: Fix HID haptics waveform NONE / STOP ordinals.
xinput1_3: Use _ordinal rather than _index suffix for haptics waveforms.
mf: Handle MESourceSeeked and MEStreamSeeked state change events.
xinput1_3: Use the implicit Stop waveform ordinal to stop the effects.
winebus.sys: Use a separate hid_device_vtbl function to stop haptics.
winebus.sys: Pack the HID haptics waveform report struct.
winebus.sys: Add a repeat count value to haptics output report.
xinput1_3: Use the implicit None waveform to trigger both waveforms.
xinput1_3: Use WM_DEVICECHANGE device path to add or remove devices.
xinput1_3: Only write haptics waveform reports when needed.
winebus.sys: Add missing static qualifiers in bus_sdl.c.
dinput: Set HID joystick internal ref before trying to open it.
dinput: Ignore override flag for non-XInput devices.
dinput: Use DIEFT_GETTYPE instead masking bits.
winegstreamer: Remove unnecessary DECLSPEC_HIDDEN qualifier.
winegstreamer: Move format helpers to a dedicated source.
winegstreamer: Introduce new WG_MAJOR_TYPE_WMA major type.
winegstreamer: Introduce new wg_transform struct.
winegstreamer: Create static pads on wg_transform struct.
dinput: Also trace report buffers on immediate ReadFile success.
dinput: Only read effect state reports when exclusively acquired.
dinput: Remove unnecessary critical section entry.
dinput: Report optional force feedback state only if supported.
mf/tests: Add some H264 decoder creation tests.
mf/tests: Add some H264 decoder GetInputAvailableType tests.
mf/tests: Add some H264 decoder SetInputType tests.
mf/tests: Add some H264 decoder GetOutputAvailableType tests.
mf/tests: Add some H264 decoder SetOutputType tests.
include: Use fully qualified names in
widl: Support declaring multiple namespaces at once.
include: Remove nested namespaces in windows.gaming.input.idl.
include: Add Windows.Devices.Haptics.SimpleHapticsController definition.
include: Add Windows.Gaming.Input.IRawGameController2 definition.
dinput: Avoid invalid rglDirection access when effect cAxes is 0.
winebus.sys: Use a local variable to access hid_device_state.
winebus.sys: Link the first two absolute axes to the effect directions.
dinput/tests: Add more tests for simulation HID usages.
winegstreamer: Remove \n at the end of GST log messages.
winegstreamer: Move the conditional cleanup to the create error path.
winegstreamer: Add a bin container element to wg_transform.
winegstreamer: Append audioconvert and audioresample elements.
winegstreamer: Lookup and instantiate a WMA decoder element.
mf/tests: Add some H264 decoder GetInputStreamInfo tests.
mf/tests: Add some H264 decoder GetOutputStreamInfo tests.
mf/tests: Always initialize sample data in create_sample helper.
mf/tests: Add some H264 decoder Process(Input|Output) tests.
dinput/tests: Add some windows.gaming.input hotplug tests.
dinput/tests: Add some windows.gaming.input device tests.
dinput/tests: Add tests for IRawGameControllerStatics_FromGameController.
dinput/tests: Add tests for IGamepadStatics_get_Gamepads.
winegstreamer: Link the container pads and activate ours.
winegstreamer: Send stream-start, caps, and segment events on creation.
mf/tests: Check H264 decoder formats after stream change.

Santino Mazza (14):
bcrypt: Add BCRYPT_KEY_BLOB struct definition.
ncrypt/tests: Test key import of an rsa key.
ncrypt: Make NCryptOpenStorageProvider return a valid stub pointer.
ncrypt: Implement NCryptImportKey function.
ncrypt/tests: Test NCryptFreeObject function.
ncrypt: Implement NCryptFreeObject.
ncrypt: Implement NCryptGetProperty and NCryptSetProperty.
ncrypt: Set a couple of key properties.
ncrypt: NCryptGetProperty should always fill result size.
ncrypt: Add NCryptVerifySignature stub.
ncrypt: Validate existence of property before creating one.
ncrypt: Check null handle when setting or getting properties.
ncrypt/tests: Test for NCryptCreatePersistedKey.
ncrypt/tests: Test for NCryptSetProperty.

Sven Baars (5):
ntoskrnl.exe/tests: Fix some memory leaks (Valgrind).
rsaenh: Properly destroy hashes created by CPCreateHash() (Valgrind).
ntoskrnl.exe/tests: Let CertCloseStore() delete the certificate context.
crypt32/tests: Fix a memory leak (Valgrind).

Zebediah Figura (62):
kernelbase: Include the null terminator in the length passed to WideCharToMultiByte() in UrlGetPartA().
kernelbase: Ignore URL_PARTFLAG_KEEPSCHEME for file URLs.
kernelbase: Also parse hostnames for news schemes in UrlGetPart().
kernelbase: Do not initialize output params on failure in UrlGetPart().
wined3d: Allow up to 128 MiB of persistently mapped memory on 32-bit architectures.
wined3d: Keep a client reference count for the BO map pointer.
wined3d: Allow NOOVERWRITE maps to be accelerated on 32-bit architectures.
d3dx9: Do not use d3dx_effect_cleanup() in D3DXCreateEffectEx().
d3dx9: Separate out d3dx9_effect_init_from_dxbc().
d3dx9/tests: Add more tests for ID3DXEffect::CloneEffect().
d3dx9: Implement ID3DXEffect::CloneEffect().
ntdll: Use YieldProcessor() in RtlEnterCriticalSection().
kernelbase: Also return E_FAIL when trying to parse username, password, or port for non-Internet URLs.
kernelbase: Allow hostnames to contain any characters in UrlGetPart().
kernelbase: Allow ports to contain any characters in UrlGetPart().
kernelbase: Allow usernames and passwords to contain any characters in UrlGetPart().
kernelbase: Do not return the question mark as part of the query string from UrlGetPart().
wined3d: Move struct wined3d_buffer_ops to buffer.c.
wined3d: Pass a wined3d_range array to wined3d_context_copy_bo_address().
wined3d: Use wined3d_context_copy_bo_address() to upload buffer ranges.
wined3d: Use wined3d_context_copy_bo_address() to download buffer ranges.
kernelbase: Parse query strings even without a slash after the host in UrlGetPart().
kernelbase: Return void from parse_url().
kernelbase: Return E_INVALIDARG when requesting URL_PART_USERNAME and there is no username.
kernelbase: Return E_INVALIDARG when requesting URL_PART_PASSWORD and there is no password.
kernelbase: Return E_INVALIDARG when requesting URL_PART_PORT and there is no port.
wined3d: Pass a wined3d_device_gl pointer to wined3d_context_gl_create_bo().
wined3d: Protect access to the OpenGL wined3d_allocator with a critical section.
wined3d: Allow passing a NULL context to wined3d_device_gl_create_bo().
wined3d: Don't use persistent BOs from the client thread if we might need to do vertex attribute conversion.
kernelbase: Allow the two initial slashes to be backslashes in UrlGetPart().
kernelbase: Get rid of the "size" and "type" arguments to scan_url().
kernelbase: Allow schemes to contain uppercase characters in UrlGetPart().
kernelbase: Prepend the scheme even if the requested URL part is empty.
wined3d: Protect wined3d_chunk_gl map fields with a mutex.
wined3d: Move the "pin sysmem" flag to struct wined3d_resource.
wined3d: Do not allocate upload bufers for resources pinned to system memory.
wined3d: Try to allocate new OpenGL BOs from the client thread for DISCARD maps.
wined3d: Treat NOOVERWRITE maps on a previously discarded buffer as if they were DISCARD maps.
wined3d: Set a valid map pointer in adapter_gl_alloc_bo() if possible.
wined3d: Introduce a wined3d_texture_update_sub_resource() helper.
quartz/tests: Reset sink event counters when initializing the stream.
quartz/tests: Test the timestamps associated with new segments.
winegstreamer: Manually send new segment events.
winegstreamer: No longer queue WG_PARSER_EVENT_SEGMENT.
winegstreamer: Explicitly sleep in the DirectShow streaming thread after receiving EOS.
winegstreamer: Remove support for flushing the wg_parser object.
winegstreamer: Return S_FALSE from wg_parser_stream_get_event() if the stream is EOS.
winegstreamer: Get rid of the queue_stream_event() helper.
winegstreamer: Flatten wg_parser_event into a wg_parser_buffer structure.
wined3d: Introduce a wined3d_texture_get_bo_address() helper.
wined3d: Remove the now redundant "locations" parameter from wined3d_texture_get_memory().
wined3d: Handle WINED3D_LOCATION_CLEARED in wined3d_texture_load_location().
wined3d: Handle DISCARDED and CLEARED locations in wined3d_texture_get_memory().
wined3d: Consider WINED3D_LOCATION_CLEARED to be a CPU-accessible location.
wined3d: Use WINED3D_LOCATION_CLEARED for the initial location of textures.
wined3d: Allocate texture BOs from heap.
wined3d: Accelerate texture DISCARD maps as well.
winegstreamer: Don't unlink pads before dereferencing them.
winegstreamer: Do not use multiple cleanup labels in wg_transform_create().
wined3d: Allocate a heap memory buffer in wined3d_cs_map_upload_bo() if possible.

Ziqing Hui (1):
wininet: Support more internet time format.
