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Alexandre Julliard has announced a new development version of Wine with more progress on the PE conversion of the X11 and OSS drivers, support for UTF-8 as default Ansi codepage, theming support for control panel applets, and various bug fixes.

Wine release 7.7

The Wine development release 7.7 is now available.

What's new in this release:
- More progress on the PE conversion of the X11 and OSS drivers.
- Support for UTF-8 as default Ansi codepage.
- Theming support for control panel applets.
- Various bug fixes.

The source is available from the following locations:

Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:

You will find documentation on

You can also get the current source directly from the git
repository. Check for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.


Bugs fixed in 7.7 (total 11):

6682 IrfanView's 4.44 Help -> About window is missing a picture on the left
24574 RAR Password Recovery Magic initial (registration) window is empty and doesn't allow any interaction
45916 x64dbg fails to load debuggee, needs ThreadScheduler_ScheduleTask
52223 activeCodePage utf-8 in application manifest not respected
52640 Steam does not display anything when using the Vulkan renderer (stack overflow from official Vulkan loader calling into dxgi)
52679 Anno 1602 / 1602 A.D. graphics too dark / black
52703 64-bit Irfanview crashes on startup
52763 ConEmu doesn't work with winver > Win8.1
52787 Invalid function prototype for "RegisterUserApiHook" when compiling for C++
52809 steamwebhelper.exe crashes repeatedly since 2aa4673f32
52825 Capella help crashes with Error "qtwebengingeprocess has serious errors"


Changes since 7.6:

Alex Henrie (1):
kernel32: Fix percentage calculation in GetSystemPowerStatus.

Alexandre Julliard (31):
ntdll: Move some duplicated locale definitions to a common header.
ntdll: Move more codepage conversion functions to the common header.
ntdll: Use the standard CPTABLEINFO structure for the Unix codepage.
ntdll: Support UTF-8 codepage in string conversion functions.
kernelbase: Use RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN in IsChar* functions.
kernelbase: Avoid redundant locale lookups in GetLocaleInfoA().
kernelbase: Support UTF-7/8 codepages in get_codepage_table().
kernelbase: Support UTF-8 as default Ansi codepage in MultiByteToWideChar().
kernelbase: Support UTF-8 as default Ansi codepage in WideCharToMultiByte().
ntdll: Default to UTF-8 codepage at startup.
ntdll: Export a few more codepage functions from
win32u: Use the ntdll functions for codepage conversions.
win32u: Use character sizes in the codepage conversion functions.
win32u: Use CPTABLEINFO to store the Ansi/OEM codepages.
win32u: Support UTF-8 as the default Ansi codepage.
msvcrt: Fix mbcs initialization for UTF-8 codepage.
ntdll: Initialize the system locale on the Unix side.
kernelbase: Move codepage initialization to ntdll.
ntdll: Add support for 2019 and 2020 WindowsSettings namespaces.
ntdll: Support overriding the codepage from the manifest.
ole32: Fix sign expansion of codepage values.
user32: Pass a valid length to RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN/RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN.
user32/tests: Fix some tests that break in UTF-8 codepage.
gdi32: Support UTF-8 codepage in TranslateCharsetInfo().
winedump: Add support for dumping locale.nls.
include: Avoid Windows types in CodeView structure definitions.
winedump: Fix some incorrect uses of Unix 'long' type.
winedump: Avoid using DWORD in private definitions.
winedump: Remove unused variables.
winedump: Enable compilation with long types.
winedump: Build with nameless unions/structs.

Alexandros Frantzis (1):
win32u: Avoid iterating over a NULL window list when broadcasting.

Alistair Leslie-Hughes (1):
msado15: Return valid object in Recordset::Clone.

Aurimas Fišeras (1):
po: Update Lithuanian translation.

Austin English (1):
dbghelp: Downgrade a FIXME to a WARN.

Bernhard Kölbl (8): Fix some uses after release. Make waits non infinite. Remove some tests. Remove an unnecessary variable. Add tests to check if IAsyncInfo_Close is non blocking. Partially implement IAsyncOperation. Implement concurrency in IAsyncOperation. Add ISpeechRecognitionCompilationResult.

Biswapriyo Nath (2):
include: Add IArcadeStick interface in windows.gaming.input.idl.
include: Add Windows.Gaming.Input.FlightStick runtimeclass declaration.

Brendan Shanks (2):
wow64cpu: Use different JMP instruction to work around Rosetta bug.
ntdll/tests: Test that threads have unique TEBs.

Connor McAdams (8):
webservices: Set proper minor version for .NET Message Framing Protocol.
webservices/tests: Add some tests for session dictionary size.
webservices/tests: Add test for binary encoding nested structure handling.
webservices: Don't advance binary encoding reader if record type doesn't match.
webservices: Check for channel state in WsReceiveMessage.
webservices: Properly handle max session dictionary size channel property.
webservices: Respect session dictionary size limits on send dictionary.
webservices: Respect session dictionary size limits on receive dictionary.

Daniel Lehman (1):
include: Add some math declarations.

Eric Pouech (17):
combase: Use I64 width modifier for 64-bit integers.
rtqwork: Trace 64-bit integers with I64 width modifier.
rpcrt4: Don't cast ptrdiff_t to ULONG in traces, use %I instead.
ntdll/tests: Simplify printf for 64 bit integers.
wininet/tests: Simplify printf for 64 bit integers.
winedbg: Simplify printf for 64 bit integers.
oleaut32/tests: Simplify test by using long long constants.
oleaut32/tests: Simplify printf for 64 bit integers.
kernel32/tests: Add more CreateProcess console management tests.
server: Use negative values for console pseudo handles.
kernelbase: Provide a pseudo console environment for initial CUI processes not tied to a Unix tty.
windowscodecs/tests: Simplify printf for 64 bit integers.
d3dxof: Don't cast ptrdiff_t to ULONG in traces, use %I instead.
d3dx10: Fix long type warnings.
start: Remove workaround for /exec without console.
kernel32/tests: Make the console tests pass if current console is shell-no-window.
kernel32/tests: Adapt duplicate console handle test to non-Win7 handles.

Esme Povirk (2):
gdiplus: Accept newer version in OpenType header.
windowscodecs: pceltFetched is optional in IWICEnumMetadataItem.

Floris Renaud (1):
po: Update Dutch translation.

François Gouget (4):
conhost: Fix the spelling of a couple of comments.
winegstreamer: Fix the spelling of a comment.
crypt32/tests: Fix the spelling of an ok() message.
riched20/tests: Fix the spelling of a comment.

Gabriel Ivăncescu (26):
urlmon: Add basic implementation of MapBrowserEmulationModeToUserAgent.
mshtml: Always return the custom user agent if it has been set.
urlmon: Return the currently set user agent when 'version' is invalid.
jscript: Handle PROP_IDX in jsdisp_get_own_property.
jscript: Make idx props enumerable.
jscript: Throw proper error when invoking non-method builtin.
jscript: Accept DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF for jsdisps.
mshtml/tests: Add initial tests for NULL Dispatch objects in scripts.
jscript: Treat NULL disps as actual null values in html mode.
jscript: Defer lookup to the actual locals for function statements.
mshtml: Implement enumerator for HTMLStyleSheetsCollection.
mshtml: Implement enumerator for HTMLRectCollection.
mshtml: Implement enumerator for HTMLFormElement.
mshtml: Implement enumerator for HTMLSelectElement.
mshtml: Move some static functions up.
mshtml: Implement enumerator for HTMLAttributeCollection.
jscript: Handle NULL return pointers in all constructors.
jscript: Move Set below Map.
jscript: Iterate through the map in a helper function.
jscript: Set a map entry using a helper function.
jscript: Pass the Map object to the callback when iterating.
jscript: Support passing 'this' context to the Map callback when iterating.
jscript: Compare numbers in a Map bitwise for equality.
jscript: Implement Set on top of Map.
jscript: Use proper error description for invalid Set 'this'.
jscript: Initialize hres in String constructor.

Giovanni Mascellani (2):
mfreadwrite/reader: Make the stream sample allocator callback own a reference to the source reader.
mfreadwrite/reader: Unset sample allocator callbacks while destroying the source reader.

Hans Leidekker (2):
crypt32/tests: Get rid of workarounds for old Windows versions.
webservices: Always set channel state to WS_CHANNEL_STATE_FAULTED when a send or receive operation failed.

Hugh McMaster (13):
regedit: Use wide character string literals in childwnd.c.
regedit: Use wide character string literals in edit.c.
regedit: Use wide character string literals in framewnd.c.
regedit: Use wide character string literals in hexedit.c.
regedit: Use wide character string literals in listview.c.
regedit: Use wide character string literals in regedit.c.
regedit: Use wide character string literals in treeview.c.
regedit: Use wide character string literals in main.c.
regedit: Use wide character string literals in regproc.c.
regedit: Mark WCHAR szFrameClass static.
regedit: Mark WCHAR szTitle static.
regedit: Remove unused WCHAR szHexEditClass from main header.
conhost: Save default font's pitch and family on first run.

Huw D. M. Davies (55):
wineoss: Explicitly store the channel count in the client.
wineoss: Dynamically size the devnode array.
wineoss: Use the global lock to lock the session.
wineoss: Introduce a stream structure.
wineoss: Move is_format_supported to the unixlib.
wineoss: Don't cache the oss_audioinfo in the client.
wineoss: Move the stream creation to AudioClient_Initialize().
wineoss: Move get_mix_format to the unixlib.
wineoss: Use the stream ptr to indicate the init state.
wineoss: Store the mute state in the stream.
wineoss: Use the sessions lock to lock the client's data.
wineoss: Use a pthread mutex for the stream lock.
wineoss: Use NtAllocateVirtualMemory() to alloc the buffers returned to the user.
wineoss: Move create_stream and release_stream to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move get_buffer_size to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move get_latency to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move get_current_padding to the unixlib.
wineoss: Store the period in 100ns units.
wineoss: Move timer_loop to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move start to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move stop to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move reset to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move set_event_handle to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move get_render_buffer to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move release_render_buffer to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move get_capture_buffer to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move release_capture_buffer to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move get_next_packet_size to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move get_frequency to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move get_position to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move is_started to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move set_volumes to the unixlib.
wineoss: Remove some unused members.
wineoss: Remove preprocessor checks for SNDCTL_SEQ_NRMIDIS.
wineoss: Move midi_init to the unixlib.
winealsa: Wait for the notify buffer to empty, rather than dropping an event.
wineoss: Store the sequencer fd in the driver struct.
wineoss: Add a temporary syscall to open and close the seq fd.
wineoss: Add a temporary midi_out_fm_patch syscall.
wineoss: Add a temporary midi_out_fm_reset syscall.
wineoss: Move MODM_OPEN and MODM_CLOSE to the unixlib.
wineoss: Use separate functions to handle MODM_DATA for FM synths and ports.
wineoss: Move MODM_DATA to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move MODM_LONGDATA to the unixlib.
wineoss: Move MODM_PREPARE and MODM_UNPREPARE to the unixlib.
winepulse: Use UINT64 handles to represent the stream.
winepulse: Return offsets rather than ptrs to the strings.
winepulse: Limit Wow64 buffer allocations to 32-bit addresses.
winepulse: Implement Wow64 entry points in the Unix library.
winealsa: Pass a client ptr to the callback instead of a stream.
winealsa: Use UINT64 handles to represent the stream.
winealsa: Return offsets rather than ptrs to the strings.
winealsa: Limit Wow64 buffer allocations to 32-bit addresses.
winealsa: Implement Wow64 mmdevapi entry points in the Unix libraray.
winealsa: Implement Wow64 midi entry points in the Unix library.

Jacek Caban (78):
winex11: Directly use ntdll for registry access in setup_options.
winex11: Directly use ntdll for registry access in create_xcursor_system_cursor.
winex11: Directly use ntdll for registry access in X11DRV_GetICMProfile.
winex11: Directly use ntdll for registry access in get_display_device_reg_key.
winex11: Directly use ntdll for registry access in read_registry_settings.
winex11: Directly use ntdll for registry access in write_registry_settings.
win32u: Implement NtGdiGetDCDword.
win32u: Implement NtGdiGetDCPoint.
winex11: Directly use win32u for GDI functions in bitblt.c.
winex11: Directly use win32u for GDI functions in window.c.
winex11: Directly use win32u for GDI functions in graphics.c.
winex11: Directly use win32u for GDI functions in palette.c.
winex11: Directly use win32u for GDI functions in xrender.c.
winex11: Directly use win32u for GDI functions in more places.
kernelbase: Add support for CREATE_NO_WINDOW flag in CreateProcess.
win32u: Introduce inline helpers for NtUserCallNoParam calls.
win32u: Use NtUserCallHwndParam for MirrorRgn implementation.
win32u: Introduce inline helpers for NtUserCallOneParam calls.
win32u: Remove no longer needed NtUserCallOneParam exports.
win32u: Introduce inline helpers for NtUserCallTwoParam calls.
win32u: Introduce inline helpers for NtUserCallHwnd calls.
win32u: Introduce inline helpers for NtUserCallHwndParam calls.
winex11: Remove no longer needed helpers.
winex11: Directly use win32u for user functions in window.c.
user32: Get rid of __wine_set_pixel_format.
win32u: Move NtUserExcludeUpdateRgn implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserChildWindowFromPointEx implementation from user32.
win32u: Move EnableWindow implementation from user32.
win32u: Introduce NtUserMapWindowPoints.
win32u: Move NtUserClientToScreen implementation from user32.
win32u: Introduce NtUserGetMessagePos.
winex11: Directly use win32u for user functions in mouse.c.
winex11: Directly use win32u for user functions in opengl.c.
winex11: Directly use win32u for user functions in settings.c.
winex11: Directly use win32u for user functions in event.c.
winex11: Directly use win32u in more places.
win32u: Move NtUserTranslateMessage implementation from user32.
win32u: Move CreatePopupMenu implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserCheckMenuItem implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserEnableMenuItem implementation from user32.
win32u: Move DrawMenuBar implementation from user32.
win32u: Move ShowOwnedPopups implementation from user32.
win32u: Move more WM_SYSCOMMAND handling from user32.
win32u: Use winuser.h inline rect helpers.
ntdll: Provide RtlInitUnicodeString for unixlibs.
win32u: Use RtlInitUnicodeString from
winex11: Use pthread for surface locking.
winex11: Use pthread for keyboard lock.
winex11: Use pthread for synchronization in opengl.c.
winex11: Use pthread for palette locking.
winex11: Use pthread for settings locking.
winex11: Use pthread for synchronization in vulkan.c.
winex11: Use pthread for win data locking.
winex11: Use pthread for D3DKMT locking.
winex11: Use pthread for error handler locking.
winex11: Use pthread for xrandr locking.
winex11: Use pthread for xrender locking.
winex11: Use NtUserBuildHwndList for has_owned_popup implementation.
winex11: Use build_hwnd_list for X11DRV_DisplayDevices_Update implementation.
winex11: Use pthread_once in create_x11_physdev.
win32u: Expose public parts of user_thread_info in ntuser.h.
winex11: Use NtUserGetThreadInfo to access thread data.
winex11: Use TEB to store driver thread data.
winex11: Directly use ntdll in display_device_init mutex.
win32u: Move NtUserFindWindowEx implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserSetMenuContextHelpId implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserGetMenuItemRect implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserSetMenu implemenetation from user32.
win32u: Move GetMenuInfo implementation from user32.
win32u: Move is_window_rect_full_screen implementation from winex11.
winex11: Use Unix environment variable in remove_startup_notification.
win32u: Move NtUserThunkedMenuInfo implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserSetMenuDefaultItem implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserSetClipboardViewer implementation from user32.
win32u: Move NtUserChangeClipboardChain implementation from user32.
win32u: Move EnumClipboardFormats implementation from user32.
winex11: Use a simple sdbm hash implementation in X11DRV_GetICMProfile.
winex11: Directly use ntdll in X11DRV_GetICMProfile.

Jinoh Kang (1):
include: Remove duplicate definitions of UOI_* macros.

Julian Rüger (1):
po: Update German translation.

Matteo Bruni (1):
d3dxof/tests: Remove redundant skips after ok() calls.

Mohamad Al-Jaf (2):
include: Add CMSMPEGDecoderMFT coclass.
include: Add CLSID_MSVPxDecoder declaration.

Nikolay Sivov (25):
evr/mixer: Implement GetAvailableVideoProcessorModes().
evr/mixer: Implement GetVideoProcessorCaps().
hlink: Use CRT allocation functions.
hlink: Return requested interface when creating IHlinkBrowseContext instance.
hlink: Return requested interface when creating IHlink instance.
hlink: Return correct requested interface from HlinkCreateFromMoniker().
hlink: Return requested interface from HlinkCreateFromString().
mfplat: Fix alignment used by audio buffers created with MFCreateMediaBufferFromMediaType().
wbemprox: Use CRT memory allocation functions.
wbemprox: Remove string duplication helper.
evr: Add IAMFilterMiscFlags interface.
d3dxof: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
d3dx10: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
ddrawex: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
ddrawex/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
ddrawex/tests: Simplify refcount helper.
d3dxof/tests: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
d3dxof/tests: Simplify refcount helper.
ddraw: Build without -DWINE_NO_LONG_TYPES.
xmllite/tests: Use wide string literals.
gdi32: Use NtUserGetSysColor() directly.
dwrite/tests: Use safe table access helpers for GetFontSignature().
dwrite/tests: Fix context text.
wusa: Remove string duplication helper.
ddraw: Improve tracing format for unsigned fields.

Paul Gofman (5):
msvcp140: Implement _Copy_file().
kernelbase: Reset last error on success in CopyFileExW().
ntdll: Increase kernel stack size.
ntdll: Remove unused PTHREAD_STACK_MIN definition.
crypt32: Support CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_BLOB in CRYPT_QueryEmbeddedMessageObject().

Rafał Harabień (2):
user32: Use SWP_NOACTIVATE flag when resizing etched static control.
user32/tests: Remove duplicated SS_*RECT static control tests.

Rémi Bernon (23):
kernel32/tests: Add invalid pointer heap validation tests.
kernel32/tests: Add some GetProcessHeaps tests.
kernel32/tests: Add some HeapWalk tests.
kernel32/tests: Cleanup and add Heap(Query|Set)Information tests.
kernel32/tests: Add some HeapWalk tests for the LFH frontend.
kernel32/tests: Tweak tests results for w7pro64.
kernel32/tests: Reduce the number of GlobalAlloc size tests.
ntdll: Use a dedicated member for shared heap flag.
ntdll: Fix main heap struct layout and flags members.
kernelbase: Allocate global memory handle table dynamically.
include: Add Windows.Gaming.Input.RacingWheel runtimeclass declaration.
include: Remove nested namespaces in windows.gaming.input.forcefeedback.idl.
include: Add Windows.Gaming.Input.ForceFeedback.IForceFeedbackEffect interface declaration.
dinput/tests: Add tests for joystick with many axes and units.
dinput/tests: Add some IRawGameController_get_ForceFeedbackMotors tests.
dinput/tests: Queue IRP when the expect ret_status is STATUS_PENDING.
dinput/tests: Add more IForceFeedbackMotor and IAsyncOperation_boolean tests.
windows.gaming.input: Introduce Windows.Gaming.Input.RacingWheel activation factory.
windows.gaming.input: Implement IRacingWheelStatics interface for RacingWheel.
windows.gaming.input: Implement ICustomGameControllerFactory interface for RacingWheel.
windows.gaming.input: Implement IRacingWheelStatics2 interface for RacingWheel.
windows.gaming.input: Implement RacingWheel runtimeclass stub.
dinput/tests: Add some RacingWheel runtimeclass tests.

Timo Zuccarello (1):
winex11.drv: Do not assign reserved virtual key 0xE0 to key codes.

Zebediah Figura (27):
winegstreamer: Use WG_MAJOR_TYPE_UNKNOWN to mark a stream that should not be forced into a certain format.
winegstreamer: Explicitly disable streams in start_pipeline().
winegstreamer: Explicitly disable streams in parser_init_stream().
winegstreamer: Enable wg_parser streams on creation.
ntdll/tests: Add some tests for NtQueryDirectoryObject().
ntdll: Do not write the "context" parameter of NtQueryDirectoryObject on failure.
ntdll: Do not write the "ret_size" parameter of NtQueryDirectoryObject on failure.
server: Return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL instead of STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW from get_directory_entry.
kernelbase: Set user_lcid to the user locale, not the system locale.
ntdll: Return the required length from NtQueryDirectoryObject().
ntdll: Don't return STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if the buffer is too small to hold one entry.
ntdll: Write a null terminator in NtQueryDirectoryObject.
include: Add amva.h.
include: Add videoacc.idl.
quartz/tests: Test more VMR7 interfaces in all modes.
quartz/tests: Check for IAMVideoAccelerator.
quartz/vmr9: Stub IAMVideoAccelerator.
wined3d: Factor out context_gl_apply_texture_draw_state().
wined3d: Make wined3d_context_gl_set_draw_buffer() static.
user.exe: Implement SetSystemTimer() using SetTimer().
user32: Toggle the caret based on the timer ID in DispatchMessage().
user32: Update mouse tracking information based on the timer ID in DispatchMessage().
win32u: Remove the "proc" parameter to NtUserSetSystemTimer().
win32u: Do not call the lparam for WM_SYSTIMER messages.
user32: Do not call the lparam for WM_SYSTIMER messages.
setupapi: Avoid leaking subKey in SETUPDI_AddDeviceInterfaces().
ddraw/tests: Use winetest_push_context() in test_viewport().

Zhiyi Zhang (14):
include: Avoid a C++ keyword for RegisterUserApiHook().
kernel32/tests: Check against INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE for CreateActCtxW() return values.
kernel32/tests: Add more CreateActCtx() tests.
shell32: Activate context at ID 123 before loading control panel applets.
rundll32: Activate context at ID 123 before calling library functions.
appwiz.cpl: Enable visual styles.
inetcpl.cpl: Enable visual styles.
joy.cpl: Enable visual styles.
ieframe: Enable visual styles.
user32/tests: Avoid unnecessary display mode changes.
user32/tests: Test NUMCOLORS for display DCs.
win32u: Return -1 for NUMCOLORS with 8-bit display DCs.
include: Add
wintypes: Add stub dll.

Ziqing Hui (5):
d2d1/tests: Add tests for GetImageLocalBounds().
d2d1: Implement GetImageLocalBounds() for bitmap.
d2d1/tests: Add tests for context unit mode.
d2d1: Implement GetUnitMode().
d2d1: Implement SetUnitMode().
