Wine release 9.17
The Wine development release 9.17 is now available.
What's new in this release:
- Window surface scaling on High DPI displays.
- Bundled vkd3d upgraded to version 1.13.
- Mono engine updated to version 9.3.0
- Improved CPU detection on ARM64.
- Various bug fixes.
The source is available at (
Binary packages for various distributions will be available
from (
You will find documentation on (
Wine is available thanks to the work of many people.
See the file [AUTHORS][1] for the complete list.
### Bugs fixed in 9.17 (total 29):
- #11770 does not support attachments for sending mail
- #18154 cmd.exe: failure to handle file extension association
- #18846 Anti-Grain Geometry gdiplus Demo does not render correctly
- #26813 Multiple programs ( python-3.1.3.amd64.msi, scoop) need support for administrative install (msiexec.exe /a )
- #42601 Foxit Reader 8.2 crashes after running for an extended period of time (>30 minutes)
- #43472 Several apps (R-Link 2 Toolbox, Mavimplant 1.0, Kundenkartei 5) crash on startup (Wine's 'packager.dll' is preferred over native, causing failure to load app provided library with same name)
- #48404 Can't close free game notifications from Epic Games Store
- #49244 GdipDeleteFontFamily is declared, but does nothing
- #50365 Starcraft Remastered black screen on launch or window only mode
- #52687 OpenKiosk installer not working
- #53154 Crash of EpicOnlineServicesUserHelper.exe" --setup
- #54212 Nexus ECU Tuning Software for HALTECH ECU
- #55322 SBCL 2.3.4: unattended msiexec in administrator mode fails
- #55343 Game Constantine doesn't respond to key inputs.
- #55410 msi:package fails on w8adm
- #55804 DICOM Viewer (eFilm Workstation 2.x/3.x) aborts because libxml2 doesn't like "ISO8859-1" (builtin msxml6).
- #55936 Sven Bømwøllen series: Several games crash after loading screen
- #55964 wine-mono: Dlls include reference to filenames different to the files in wine-mono-8.1.0-dbgsym.tar.xz
- #56102 Comdlg32/Color - Out of bound value is used
- #56103 PropertySheet - CTRL+TAB and CTRL+SHIFT+TAB not processed
- #56352 comctl32: Handle progress bar state messages
- #57096 Hogia Hemekonomi does not start
- #57102 Textbox-border is missing if textbox is on topmost layer of e. g. a TabControl.
- #57103 "opengl32.dll" failed to initialize with WOW64 on Wayland
- #57117 BsgLauncher cannot launch due to unhandled exception in System.Security.Cryptography (.NET48)
- #57119 WPF app (VOCALOID) fails to initialize Markup
- #57127 Dutch button labels are cut off in Wine Internet Explorer
- #57140 ADOM fails to launch
- #57145 Quicktime 3.02 (16-bit) setup hangs
### Changes since 9.16:
Aida Jonikienė (4):
explorer: Make the driver error message more neutral.
msvcrt: Print less FIXMEs for ThreadScheduler_ScheduleTask*().
msvcrt: Remove FIXME for _StructuredTaskCollection_dtor().
msvcrt: Only print FIXME once for Context_Yield().
Alex Henrie (5):
explorer: Make the "Wine Desktop" window title translatable.
explorer: Don't display "Default" in the virtual desktop window title.
ieframe: Widen toolbar buttons to accommodate Dutch translation.
explorer: Return void from show_icon and hide_icon.
explorer: Support the NoTrayItemsDisplay registry setting.
Alexandre Julliard (3):
vkd3d: Import upstream release 1.13.
ntdll: Use custom x64 thunks for syscall exports.
ntdll: Add custom x64 thunk for KiUserExceptionDispatcher.
Alexandros Frantzis (1):
winewayland: Rename surface buffer size to content size.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (9):
odbccp32: Return false on empty string in SQLValidDSNW.
odbccp32: Check for valid DSN before delete in SQLRemoveDSNFromIniW.
odbccp32: Correctly handle config_mode in SQLWrite/RemoveDSNFromIniW.
odbc32: Pass through field id SQL_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_TABLE in SQLColAttribute/W.
odbc32: Correcly convert columns ID in SQLColAttribute/W for ODBC v2.0.
odbccp32: Only append slash if required in write_registry_values.
include: Move ColorChannelLUT outside of if __cplusplus.
include: Add basic constructors for Rect/RectF.
include: Add class SizeF.
Andrew Eikum (1):
mmdevapi: Add stub IAudioClockAdjustment implementation.
Andrew Nguyen (2):
msi/tests: Add additional test cases for validating package template summary info strings.
msi: Allow package template summary info strings without semicolon separator.
Arkadiusz Hiler (2):
mmdevapi/tests: Add more IAudioClock tests.
winepulse.drv: Implement set_sample_rate.
Aurimas Fišeras (1):
po: Update Lithuanian translation.
Bernhard Übelacker (1):
msxml3: Allow encoding name "ISO8859-1".
Billy Laws (2):
ntdll: Populate the SMBIOS with ARM64 ID register values.
wineboot: Populate ARM64 ID register registry keys using SMBIOS info.
Biswapriyo Nath (3):
include: Add http3 flag in winhttp.h.
include: Add input assembler related constants in d3d11.idl.
include: Add ISelectionProvider2 definition in uiautomationcore.idl.
Brendan McGrath (2):
windows.gaming.input: Zero 'value' in GetCurrentReading until first state change.
winegstreamer: Allow application to drain queue.
Brendan Shanks (2):
winemac.drv: Call CGWindowListCreateImageFromArray through a dlsym-obtained pointer.
secur32: Ensure unixlib function tables and enum stay in sync.
Dmitry Timoshkov (2):
dssenh: Add support for enumerating algorithms.
dssenh: Add support for CPGetProvParam(PP_NAME).
Dylan Donnell (1):
winegstreamer: Support IYUV alias for I420.
Elizabeth Figura (12):
cmd/tests: Save and restore the drive when performing drive change tests.
cmd: Do not try to handle ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND from CreateProcessW().
cmd: Separate a run_full_path() helper.
cmd: Run files with ShellExecute() if CreateProcess() fails.
wined3d: Invalidate STATE_SHADER instead of STATE_POINT_ENABLE.
wined3d: Invalidate the PS from wined3d_device_apply_stateblock() when texture states change.
wined3d: Invalidate the PS from wined3d_device_apply_stateblock() when WINED3D_RS_COLORKEYENABLE changes.
wined3d: Invalidate the PS from wined3d_device_apply_stateblock() when the texture changes.
wined3d: Invalidate the VS from wined3d_device_apply_stateblock() when WINED3D_RS_NORMALIZENORMALS changes.
cmd: Allow deleting associations via ftype.
cmd: Report an error from ftype or assoc if the value is empty.
winegstreamer: Append HEAACWAVEINFO extra bytes to AAC user data.
Eric Pouech (5):
cmd: Don't display dialog boxes.
cmd/tests: Add some more tests.
cmd: Minor fix to the lexer.
cmd: Fix reading some input in CHOICE command.
cmd: Strip leading white spaces and at-sign from command nodes.
Esme Povirk (2):
mscoree: Update Wine Mono to 9.3.0.
user32: Implement EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS for listbox items.
Etaash Mathamsetty (1):
win32u: Implement NtGdiDdDDIEnumAdapters.
Fabian Maurer (5):
comctl32/tests: Add test for propsheet hotkey navigation.
comclt32: Allow hotkeys for propsheet navigation.
comdlg32: Update luminosity bar when changing hue/sat/lum manually.
comdlg32: Prevent recursion inside CC_CheckDigitsInEdit.
comdlg32: Properly handle out of bounds values.
Garrett Mesmer (1):
ntdll: Determine the available address space dynamically for 64bit architectures.
Georg Lehmann (1):
winevulkan: Update to VK spec version 1.3.295.
Hans Leidekker (14):
rsaenh: Return an error on zero length only when decrypting the final block.
wmiutils: Handle paths with implied key.
msi: Remove traces from a couple of helpers.
msi: Add support for the ADMIN top level action.
msi: Implement the InstallAdminImage action.
msiexec: Remove an obsolete fixme.
msiexec: Don't remove quotes from properties passed on the command line.
msi/tests: Test escaped double quote on the command line.
msi: Bump version to 5.0.
wpcap/tests: Skip tests when pcap_can_set_rfmon() returns PCAP_ERROR_PERM_DENIED.
msiexec: Don't quote property values if already quoted.
odbc32: Fix a memory leak.
odbc32: Fix driver name query.
odbc32: Load libodbc dynamically.
Haoyang Chen (1):
gdiplus: Check if graphics is occupied in GdipDrawString.
Huw D. M. Davies (11):
nsiproxy: Add linux guards for the IPv6 forward info.
win32u: Use unsigned bitfields.
widl: Remove unused variable.
winedump: Remove unused variable.
opengl32: Test the unix call function table sizes.
combase: Group the post quit info in a structure.
include: Always declare the imagelist read and write functions.
winemapi: Don't write past the end of the argv array.
secur32: Simplify the cred_enabled_protocols logic slightly.
winecoreaudio: Set the synth volume to the greater of the left and right channels.
widl: Avoid using sprintf() to add a single character.
Jacob Czekalla (4):
user32/tests: Add test for edit control format rect size.
user32/edit: Fix incorrect size for format rect when it is smaller than text.
comctl32/tests: Add test for edit control format rect size.
comctl32/edit: Fix incorrect size for format rect when it is smaller than text.
Jason Edmeades (2):
cmd: Skip directories when looking for an openable file.
cmd/tests: Test running a file with an association.
Jeremy White (1):
winemapi: Directly use xdg-email if available.
Martin Storsjö (3):
ntdll: Improve ARM feature checking from /proc/cpuinfo.
include: Add new PF_* constants.
arm64: Detect new processor features.
Nikolay Sivov (8):
d3dx9/tests: Use explicit numeric values as expected test results.
d3dx9/tests: Remove unused fields from effect values test data.
d3dx9/tests: Add a test for matrix majority class.
d3d10/effect: Rename some variable array fields to better reflect their meaning.
d3d10/effect: Simplify setting GlobalVariables value.
d3d10/tests: Compile some of test effects.
d3d10/tests: Fully check matrix types.
d3d10/tests: Fully check scalar and vector types.
Paul Gofman (10):
concrt140: Don't forward _IsSynchronouslyBlocked functions.
dxcore: Prefer native.
kernel32/tests: Add a test for TLS links.
ntdll: Reserve space for some TLS directories at once.
ntdll: Iterate TEBs only once in alloc_tls_slot().
ntdll: Do not use TlsLinks for enumerating TEBs.
ntdll: Ignore HW breakpoints on the Unix side.
uxtheme: Define a constant for default transparent colour.
uxtheme: Try to avoid TransparentBlt() when possible.
ntdll: Allow sending to port 0 on UDP socket to succeed.
Rémi Bernon (69):
win32u: Only allow a custom visible rect for toplevel windows.
win32u: Add missing thunk lock parameters callback.
opengl32: Add missing WOW64 process_attach unixlib entry.
opengl32: Remove unnecessary function addresses.
winex11: Wrap x11drv_dnd_drop_event params in a struct.
winex11: Wrap x11drv_dnd_enter_event params in a struct.
winex11: Wrap x11drv_dnd_post_drop params in a struct.
winex11: Use a UINT64 for the foreign_window_proc parameter.
winex11: Route kernel callbacks through user32.
mfmediaengine: Remove duplicate classes IDL.
mfplat: Fix pointer dereference when caching buffer data.
win32u: Map window region DPI before calling into the drivers.
win32u: Map window rects DPI before calling into the drivers.
win32u: Move window_surface creation helper to dce.c.
win32u: Implement DPI scaled window surface.
explorer: Use the EnableShell option to show or hide the taskbar.
mfreadwrite: Always try inserting a converter for non-video streams.
winewayland: Require the wp_viewporter protocol.
winewayland: Set the window viewport source rectangle.
winewayland: Create the window surface buffer queue unconditionally.
winewayland: Avoid recreating window surface buffer queues.
mfsrcsnk: Refactor sink class factory helpers.
mfsrcsnk: Register the AVI Byte Stream Handler class.
mfsrcsnk: Register the WAV Byte Stream Handler class.
mfmp4srcsnk: Register the MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler class.
mfasfsrcsnk: Register the Asf Byte Stream Handler class.
mfmp4srcsnk: Register the MP3 and MPEG4 sink factory classes.
winewayland: Remove unnecessary logical to physical DPI mapping.
winex11: Map message pos to physical DPI in move_resize_window.
win32u: Map rect to window DPI in expose_window_surface.
win32u: Pass window_from_point dpi to list_children_from_point.
server: Pass window's per-monitor DPI in set_window_pos.
user32: Move dpiaware_init to SYSPARAMS_Init.
explorer: Make the desktop thread per-monitor DPI aware.
win32u: Stop setting DPI_PER_MONITOR_AWARE by default.
colorcnv: Register the Color Converter DMO class.
msvproc: Register the Video Processor MFT class.
resampledmo: Register the Resampler DMO class.
wmadmod: Register the WMA Decoder DMO class.
msauddecmft: Register the AAC Decoder MFT class.
wmvdecod: Register the WMV Decoder DMO class.
msmpeg2vdec: Register the H264 Decoder MFT class.
mfh264enc: Register the H264 Encoder MFT class.
gitlab: Install FFmpeg development libraries.
winewayland: Post WM_WAYLAND_CONFIGURE outside of the surface lock.
winewayland: Introduce a new ensure_window_surface_contents helper.
winewayland: Introduce a new set_window_surface_contents helper.
winewayland: Introduce a new get_window_surface_contents helper.
winewayland: Reset the buffer damage region immediately after copy.
winewayland: Move window contents buffer to wayland_win_data struct.
winewayland: Get rid of wayland_surface reference from window_surface.
winewayland: Get rid of window_surface reference from wayland_win_data.
winewayland: Introduce a new wayland_client_surface_create helper.
winewayland: Get rid of the window surface individual locks.
include: Declare D3DKMT resource creation functions.
include: Declare D3DKMT keyed mutex creation functions.
include: Declare D3DKMT sync object creation functions.
win32u: Stub D3DKMTShareObjects.
win32u: Stub D3DKMT resource creation functions.
win32u: Stub D3DKMT keyed mutex creation functions.
win32u: Stub D3DKMT sync object creation functions.
quartz: Simplify the filter registration code.
quartz: Move registration code to main.c.
quartz: Register the MPEG1 Splitter class.
quartz: Register the AVI Splitter class.
quartz: Register the WAVE Parser class.
quartz: Register the MPEG Audio Decoder class.
quartz: Register the MPEG Video Decoder class. Register the MP3 Decoder class.
Sebastian Lackner (1):
packager: Prefer native version.
Sergei Chernyadyev (2):
comctl32/tooltip: Support large standard title icons.
explorer: Support large tooltip icons.
Tim Clem (5):
nsiproxy: Implement TCP table on top of a server call.
nsiproxy: Implement UDP table on top of a server call.
nsiproxy: Remove now unused git_pid_map and find_owning_pid.
iphlpapi/tests: Confirm that GetExtendedTcpTable associates a socket with the correct PID.
iphlpapi/tests: Confirm that GetExtendedUdpTable associates a socket with the correct PID.
Topi-Matti Ritala (1):
po: Update Finnish translation.
Torge Matthies (2):
winemac: Route kernel callbacks through user32.
user32: Remove NtUserDriverCallback* kernel callbacks.
Vibhav Pant (2):
ntoskrnl: Implement IoGetDevicePropertyData().
ntoskrnl/tests: Add test for getting and setting device properties.
Ziqing Hui (4):
mf/tests: Test h264 encoder sample processing.
mf/tests: Test codecapi for h264 encoder.
winegstreamer/video_encoder: Add ICodecAPI stubs.
winegstreamer/video_encoder: Initially implement ProcessOutput.
Alexandre Julliard has announced the latest Wine release, version 9.17. Now, you can enjoy window surface scaling on High DPI displays, an upgraded vkd3d to version 1.13, and an updated Mono engine to version 9.3.0. Not only that, but there is also improved CPU detection on ARM64 and a bunch of bug fixes.