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The first release candidate of Wine 5.0 is now available

The Wine development release 5.0-rc1 is now available.

This is the first release candidate for the upcoming Wine 5.0. It
marks the beginning of the yearly code freeze period. Please give this
release a good testing to help us make 5.0 as good as possible.

What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Gecko update, with support for running from a global location.
- Unicode data updated to Unicode version 12.1.
- Initial version of the MSADO (ActiveX Data Objects) library.
- Update installation support in the WUSA (Windows Update Standalone) tool.
- More progress on the kernel32/kernelbase restructuring.
- Support for signing with ECDSA keys.
- Various bug fixes.

The source is available from the following locations:

Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:

You will find documentation on

You can also get the current source directly from the git
repository. Check for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.


Bugs fixed in 5.0-rc1 (total 37):

12406 Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 crashes when using MS Help 2 URL from command line (ieframe's WebBrowser COM object doesn't support aggregation)
13020 wintetris 1.01 background color wrong sometimes
21249 Midtown Madness 2 (v1.1NoCD): memMemoryAllocator::FindHeap failed on ptr 2056d18
26757 Multiple Microsoft installers need implementation of Windows Update Standalone Installer 'Wusa.exe' to support '.msu' packages (.NET Framework 4.5.x/4.6.x/Win Vista+, IE8/Win Vista+, IE10/Win7 mode)
37793 FIFA Online 3 launcher crashes on startup ('SEC_RESERVE' attribute has no effect for file mapping objects that are backed by physical files)
38817 FXCM Trading Station II installer reports 'OLE error 80004001' when running as 'Windows Vista' or higher ('ITaskbarList3::ThumbBarSetImageList' is a stub)
38830 Symenu 4.11 (.NET 2.0 app) crashes on startup with Wine-Mono
39643 DM Genie 2.x (VB6 app) fails on startup with 'Automation error. ... Check the Scripting function Skill Bonus'
39692 64-bit dlls/msdaps/row_server_p.c generates build warnings (discarded "const" qualifier)
40489 wbemprox does not support ASSOCIATORS query
41639 Wine with freetype 2.7 causes font rendering issues
42046 VSDC Video Editor. Crashes in ole32 when opening.
42051 Costume Quest 2 crashes when using DX11 renderer
43447 Geometry Wars 3 doesn't spawn a window
43644 Disk free space incorrect on file systems with more than 2TB free
43817 Multiple .NET applications (Chime, DxO Photolab 2 trial) crash, need RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback to return S_OK
44456 Multiple Windows 7+ games and applications crash due missing 'kernel32.dll' -> 'kernelbase.dll' load-time dependency (64-bit Football Manager 2017, IP Camera Viewer 4.x)
44842 Listview returns item data fields when called for unset subitems
44883 warframe crashes with builtin xaudio2, needs IXAudio2::CommitChanges
46196 Beat Hazard 2: Crashing if no GeoID is set, missing country code and flag.
46262 Beat Hazard 2: Small window size after minimizing
46535 Exception FindFirstFileExW_rep in ntdll, by Mod Organizer (Skyrim)
46842 C# 'double.TryParse( String.Empty, out number)' incorrectly succeeds with .NET Framework 4.0 and WinVer set to 'Windows 7'
47126 GCC 9.x compilation warnings for Wine 4.7
47459 ListBox LB_SETSEL doesn't scroll to newly selected item
47960 does not exist
48077 UPlay fails to start : "Error at hooking API NtProtectVirtualMemory" (UPlay's hooking engine can't handle ENDBR32 instruction inserted at non-hotpatch API entries due to distro build environments '-fcf-protection')
48082 Visual C++ Express 2005 needs shell32.PathResolveW implementation (or fake success)
48153 Mono's ProcessTest.Start1_FileName_Whitespace test fails
48185 Applications crashing with "Not enough memory to run application"
48211 Regression: midl.exe fails to execute MIDL engine
48234 Multiple ODBC applications using Bulk Copy Program (BCP) API need 'odbcbcp.dll' (Odin Diet)
48240 Build error in cabinet/bcrypt gnutls.c in current git
48242 IXMLDOMDocument_load() paths aren't URL-unescaped (Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 startup error)
48245 wbemlocator parse_resource contains non-null terminated string, causing garbage output in trace logs
48271 Qt5 dropdown menu and combobox does not show on click
48277 dotnet30sp1 fails to install


Changes since 4.21:

Akihiro Sagawa (6):
d3d9/tests: Add out-of-bounds region tests.
d3d8/tests: Add out-of-bounds region tests.
wined3d: Validate dirty regions in wined3d_texture_add_dirty_region().
wined3d: Record dirty regions for d3d9 textures.
wined3d: Update a part of the texture if dirty regions are tracked.
d3d8: Support texture dirty regions.

Alex Henrie (1):
shell32: Symlink the Downloads and Templates folders too.

Alexandre Julliard (62):
kernelbase: Fix assumptions about 0-size output buffer in ntdll Unicode conversion functions.
kernel32: Fix assumptions about 0-size output buffer in ntdll Unicode conversion functions.
ntdll: Implement custom codepage conversion functions.
ntdll: Avoid memory allocations in RtlUpcaseUnicodeString functions.
ntdll: Reimplement multibyte to Unicode conversion functions using the Win32-format tables.
ntdll: Reimplement Unicode to multibyte conversion functions using the Win32-format tables.
ntdll: Reimplement Unicode case mapping functions using the Win32-format tables.
ntdll: Get rid of __wine_init_codepages().
kernelbase: Verify that the file can be opened when looking for an executable.
jscript: Always check for errors in UTF8 conversions.
ntdll: Reimplement RtlUnicodeToUTF8N.
ntdll: Implement RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN.
ntdll: Use the Rtl UTF8 conversion functions.
kernel32: Use the Rtl UTF8 conversion functions.
kernel32: Initialize argv from the dll entry point.
kernel32: Move some initialization code to ntdll.
user32: Forward string calls to kernelbase.
server: Determine the server directory in the server itself.
server: Determine the prefix directory in the server itself.
server: No longer depend on libwine.
ntdll: Fix DBCS mappings in RtlCustomCPToUnicodeN().
ntdll: Fix contents of the glyph table in generated codepage data.
kernelbase: Reimplement MultiByteToWideChar() using Win32-format codepage tables.
kernelbase: Reimplement WideCharToMultiByte using Win32-format codepage tables.
winecrt0: Create the Ansi argv from the Unicode one.
msvcrt: Create the Ansi argv from the Unicode one.
kernel32: Remove initialization of the global argv.
kernel32: Use MultiByteToWideChar() and WideCharToMultiByte() from kernelbase.
kernel32: Move Get/SetLocaleInfoW() to kernelbase.
configure: Disable gcc control flow protection.
configure: Disable gcc stack protection.
configure: Get rid of the gcc strength-reduce bug check.
kernel32: Move GetStringType functions to kernelbase.
kernelbase: Directly use the wctype table for the IsChar* functions.
kernel32: Move LCMapString functions to kernelbase.
kernel32: Move the CompareString functions to kernelbase.
kernel32: Move GeoID functions to kernelbase.
kernel32: Remove __wine_kernel_init().
kernelbase: Add an OpenConsoleW() replacement wrapper.
kernelbase: Add IsBadStringPtr() replacement functions.
kernel32: Move timezone functions to kernelbase.
server: Add status code for ELOOP error.
ntdll: Add status code for ELOOP error.
kernel32: Move FindFirst/NextFile functions to kernelbase.
kernelbase: Avoid calling some kernel32 functions.
kernelbase: Redirect heap allocation functions to ntdll.
kernel32: Remove heap function replacements.
kernelbase: Use exception handlers instead of IsBad* functions.
kernelbase: Avoid using OpenFile().
makefiles: Install only exe files in the bin directory.
kernelbase: Save registry keys directly to the destination file.
server: Support passing a handle to get_console_wait_event.
kernelbase: Use a direct server call instead of GetConsoleInputWaitHandle().
kernelbase: Move some console support back to kernel32.
include: Move timezone definitions to timezoneapi.h.
kernelbase: Reimplement EnumDynamicTimeZoneInformation() using GetTimeZoneInformationForYear().
kernelbase: Implement DnsHostnameToComputerNameExW().
kernelbase: Implement the Get/SetComputerName functions.
kernel32: Use the Get/SetComputerName functions from kernelbase.
kernel32: Disable relay trace for __wine_start_process().
kernelbase: Remove support for LZ files in 32-bit version functions.
kernelbase: No longer import kernel32.

Alistair Leslie-Hughes (9):
odbccp32: Implement SQLConfigDataSource/W.
wineqtdecoder: Fix some copy-paste errors.
loader: Install msado15.dll into the correct location.
msado15: Support all interfaces in _Recordset QueryInterface.
msado15: Implement _Connection_get_State.
msado15: Implement _Connection_get_CommandTimeout and _Connection_put_CommandTimeout.
oledb32: Implement IDataSourceLocator PromptNew.
msado15: Add ISupportErrorInfo support to _Connection.
msado15: Add _Command stub interface.

Anastasios Simeonidis (3):
ntdll: Move relationship filtering to create_logical_proc_info.
ntdll: Implement relationship filtering for create_logical_proc_info on linux.
ntdll/tests: Add relationship tests for NtQuerySystemInformationEx.

Andrey Gusev (14):
dxgi/tests: Fix a typo in ok() message.
uianimation: Remove duplicate WINAPI.
mapi32: Reorder the WINAPI with the HRESULT.
kernel32/tests: Reorder the WINAPI with the void.
sapiaut.idl: Fix a typo.
ieframe/tests: Fix a typo in ok() message.
kernelbase/tests: Fix a typo in ok() message.
ieframe/tests: Fix a typo in ok() message.
mshtml/tests: Fix a typo in ok() message.
mshtml/tests: Fix a typo in ok() message.
po: Update Ukrainian translation.
ieframe/tests: Fix a typo in ok() message.
ntoskrnl.exe/tests: Fix typos in ok() messages.
ole32: Fix typos in comments.

Aurimas Fišeras (2):
po: Update Lithuanian translation.
po: Update Lithuanian translation.

Austin English (1):
httpapi: Return ERROR_SUCCESS for unimplemented flags in HttpInitialize.

Bernat Arlandis (1):
dinput: Log effect directions, and use effective flags.

Biswapriyo Nath (1):
include: Update d3d9caps.h header file.

Charles Davis (4):
winemac.drv: Also stop dragging if we receive a mouse up event.
iphlpapi: Set the SpecificPortBind bit if the caller wants it on BSD.
iphlpapi: Correct Forwarding value from GetIpStatistics(Ex)() on *BSD.
iphlpapi: Implement some more IpStatistics on BSD.

Damjan Jovanovic (4):
msxml3: All string passed to IXMLDOMDocument_load() need to be URL-unescaped.
ieframe: Implement COM aggregation in WebBrowser.
gdiplus: Start implementing CompositingModeSourceCopy.
gdiplus: GdipGraphicsClear() should overwrite pixels, not alpha blend.

Derek Lesho (7):
winex11: Set the scan code prefix when necessary.
winemac: Set the scan code prefix when necessary.
wineandroid: Set the scan code prefix when necessary.
users/tests: Test scan code prefix for MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC_EX.
bcrypt: Add support for signing hashes with ECDSA keys.
bcrypt: Add more BCryptSignHash tests.
bcrypt: Add fallback when gnutls_decode_rs_value isn't present.

Erich Hoover (3):
chcp: Add a stub application for changing the codepage.
chcp: Return the active code page when called without arguments.
chcp: Set the global codepage when called with an argument.

Ethan Lee (1):
wined3d: Add Intel HD 615 PCI id and device description.

François Gouget (51):
vbscript/tests: Fix the name of a vbscript variable in the run test.
user32/tests: Avoid an unneeded (&commented out) strlen() call.
user32/tests: Avoid an unneeded lstrlenA() call.
user32/tests: Avoid a couple of unneeded strlen() calls.
user32: Fix the spelling of a TRACE() message.
comctl32/tests: Avoid an unneeded strlen() call.
comctl32/tests: Avoid a couple of unneeded lstrlenA() calls.
cmd: Fix the spelling of a WINE_TRACE() message and a comment.
wmvcore: Fix the spelling of WMReaderAdvanced6_SetProtectStreamSamples().
shlwapi/tests: Fix the spelling of a couple of ok() messages.
kernel32/tests: Trace LastError when GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory() fails.
winhttp/tests: Fix the spelling of ok() and skip() messages and a comment.
oleaut32: Fix the spelling of a FIXME() message.
user32/tests: Fix the spelling of an ok() message.
winedbg: Avoid unneeded strlen() calls.
cmd: Avoid unneeded strlenW() calls.
msado15: Fix the name of the GetString() delimiter parameters.
jscript: Fix the spelling of a couple of comments.
riched32/tests: Avoid an unneeded strlen() call.
msvcrt/tests: Avoid an unneeded strlen() call.
qcap/tests: Avoid an unneeded lstrlenW() call.
kernelbase/tests: Avoid an uneeded lstrlenW() call.
winedbg: Fix the spelling of various messages and the README.
ws2_32/tests: Fix the spelling of a couple of ok() messages.
winecfg: Avoid an unneeded strlen() call.
dmloader: Fix the spelling of a TRACE() message and a comment.
msxml3/tests: Avoid an unneeded lstrlenW() call.
winex11.drv: Fix the spelling of a WARN() message.
dmime/tests: Fix the spelling of a performance ok() message.
winemac.drv: Fix the spelling of a couple of comments.
vbscript/tests: Fix the spelling of a vbscript comment.
d3dx9_36: Fix the spelling of a comment.
shell32: Fix the spelling of a variable name.
urlmon/tests: Fix the spelling of a variable name.
usp10: Fix the spelling of some index array variables and function.
wined3d: Fix the spelling of some comments.
include: Fix the spelling of some comments.
wineps.drv: Avoid unneeded abbreviations in comments.
ole32: Fix the spelling of a couple of comments.
usp10: Fix the spelling of some comments.
wininet: Fix the spelling of a comment.
ntdll: Fix the spelling of some comments.
oleaut32: Fix the spelling of some comments.
msxml3: Fix the spelling of some comments.
shlwapi: Fix the spelling of a couple of comments.
winevulkan: Fix the spelling of a make_vulkan comment.
winevulkan: Fix the spelling of an ERR() message.
urlmon/tests: Fix the spelling of a comment.
user32: Fix the spelling of a comment.
shell32: Tweak / fix the MS-DOS name in a comment.
quartz: Fix the name of a type in a comment.

Gabriel Ivăncescu (48):
vbscript: Move the global lists to the script dispatch object.
vbscript: Reference count the vbscode_t.
vbscript: Copy the variable names into the script dispatch's heap.
vbscript: Store the necessary function and variable info in the script TypeInfo.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetTypeAttr.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetFuncDesc.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetVarDesc.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetIDsOfNames.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetTypeComp.
vbscript/tests: Add initial tests for the script TypeInfo.
vbscript: Don't free procs allocated in the heap pool.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeComp_Bind.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeComp_BindType.
vbscript/tests: Add tests for the script TypeInfo's TypeComp binds.
vbscript: Remove unused field.
jscript: Add script TypeInfo stub.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetNames.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetRefTypeOfImplType.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetRefTypeInfo.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetImplTypeFlags.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_Invoke.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetDocumentation.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetDllEntry.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_AddressOfMember.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_CreateInstance.
vbscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetMops.
vbscript/tests: Add more tests for the script TypeInfo.
jscript: Keep a pointer to the bytecode in function_code_t.
jscript: Store the necessary function and variable info in the TypeInfo.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetTypeAttr.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetFuncDesc.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetVarDesc.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetIDsOfNames.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetTypeComp.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeComp_Bind.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeComp_BindType.
jscript/tests: Add initial tests for the script TypeInfo.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetNames.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetRefTypeOfImplType.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetRefTypeInfo.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetImplTypeFlags.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_Invoke.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetDocumentation.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetDllEntry.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_AddressOfMember.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_CreateInstance.
jscript: Implement ScriptTypeInfo_GetMops.
jscript/tests: Add more tests for the script TypeInfo.

Gijs Vermeulen (5):
msvcrt: Optimize _strlwr implementation in C locale.
secur32: Avoid compiler warning.
winemac: Avoid some compiler warnings.
shell32: Implement PathResolve.
shell32/tests: Add PathResolve tests.

Hans Leidekker (40):
wusa: Add support for extracting MSU files.
wusa: Parse assembly manifests.
wusa: Parse update descriptions.
wusa: Install updates.
msado15: Add typelib.
msado15: Add a stub _Connection implementation.
msado15: Add a stub _Recordset implementation.
msado15: Add a stub _Stream implementation.
msado15: Implement _Stream_put_Type and _Stream_get_Type.
bcrypt: Handle SHA1 hash in key_asymmetric_verify.
msado15: Implement _Stream_Open and _Stream_Close.
msado15: Implement _Stream_get_State.
msado15: Implement _Stream_Read and _Stream_Write.
msado15: Implement _Stream_get_Position and _Stream_put_Position.
msado15: Implement _Stream_get_Size.
wbemprox: Use a terminated string in parse_resource.
msado15: Implement _Stream_get_EOS.
msado15: Implement _Stream_get_LineSeparator and _Stream_put_LineSeparator.
msado15: Implement _Stream_get_Mode and _Stream_put_Mode.
msado15: Implement _Stream_get_Charset and _Stream_put_Charset.
msado15: Implement _Stream_ReadText and _Stream_WriteText.
winhttp/tests: Show that WINHTTP_OPTION_SECURE_PROTOCOLS can't be set on connection handles.
msado15: Implement _Stream_SetEOS.
msado15: Implement _Recordset_get_Fields.
msado15: Implement Fields__Append and Fields_Append.
msado15: Implement Fields_get_Count.
msado15: Implement Field_put_Type, Field_put_DefinedSize and Field_put_Attributes.
msado15: Implement Field_get_Name and Field_get_Type.
msado15: Implement Fields_get_Item.
msado15: Implement Field_get_Attributes and Field_get_DefinedSize.
msado15: Implement Field_get_Value and Field_put_Value.
msado15: Implement _Recordset_Open and _Recordset_Close.
msado15: Implement _Recordset_AddNew.
msado15: Implement _Recordset_get_State.
msado15: Implement _Recordset_get_BOF and _Recordset_get_EOF.
msado15: Implement _Recordset_get_RecordCount.
msado15: Implement _Recordset_MoveNext and _Recordset_MovePrevious.
msado15: Implement _Recordset_MoveFirst and _Recordset_MoveLast.
msado15: Add ISupportErrorInfo support to Field, Fields and _Recordset.
msado15: Prevent multiple Open/Close of a _Recordset.

Hari Saksena (1):
kernelbase: Fix ullAvailPageFile showing wrong memory info.

Henri Verbeet (13):
wined3d: Finish the CS before removing the context in adapter_vk_uninit_3d().
wined3d: Do not set depth/stencil sizes on colour formats.
wined3d: Store texture sub-resource buffer objects as uintptr_t.
wined3d: Destroy PBOs in wined3d_texture_gl_destroy_object().
wined3d: Do not download textures to WINED3D_LOCATION_BUFFER in wined3d_texture_gl_unload().
wined3d: Unload buffer resources through buffer ops.
wined3d: Unload texture resources through texture ops.
wined3d: Unload resources in wined3d_device_uninit_3d().
wined3d: Pass a pointer to the counter buffer to wined3d_view_gl_destroy().
wined3d: Destroy GPU resources from the CS thread in adapter_vk_uninit_3d().
wined3d: Avoid accessing gl_info in wined3d_buffer_init().
wined3d: Store Vulkan physical device memory properties in the wined3d_adapter_vk structure.

Jacek Caban (9):
jscript: Import to_int32 implementation from WebKit.
oleaut32: Fix sharing options in TLB_ReadTypeLib.
makedep: Build implib cross object files with -fno-builtin.
msvcrt: Provide exp2 in importlib.
mshtml: Refactor Gecko loading code.
mshtml: Support loading Gecko from global location.
winnt.h: Add missing NTSYSAPI attributes.
mshtml: Update to Wine Gecko 2.47.1.
configure: Silence -Wincompatible-library-redeclaration warning.

Jactry Zeng (5):
sapi: Implement ISpeechVoice stub.
sapi: Implement ISpVoice stub.
sapi: Add IConnectionPointContainer stub for ISpVoice.
sapi: Implement ISpeechFileStream stub.
sapi: Implement ISpStream stub.

Jeff Smith (5):
ucrtbase: Improve strftime special test cases for %c %r formats.
msvcrt: Factor out code for creating lc_time_data structure.
msvcrt: Create global C locale __lc_time_data struct.
ucrtbase: Correct behavior of strftime formats %c %r.
kernel32/tests: Allow for differing fpu_cw returned on Windows XP.

João Diogo Ferreira (3):
kernel32: Properly handle GEO_NATION and GEO_ID in GetGeoInfoW().
kernel32: Make GetUserGeoID() always succeed if geoclass is valid.
kernelbase: Update GeoID when locale has changed.

Julian Rüger (1):
po: Update German translation.

Ken Thomases (4):
winemac: Only manipulate an NSOpenGLContext's view on the main thread.
dbghelp: Fix reading the address of the target's dyld image info from its PEB.
dbghelp: Fix reading the target's dyld image info, based on its CPU architecture.
configure: Remove no-longer-needed check for mach-o/dyld_images.h header file.

Louis Lenders (4):
odbcbcp: Add new stub dll.
wine.inf: Install powershell.exe in WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/.
kernel32: Return S_OK in RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback stub.
wine.inf: Add powershell location to the path.

Mathew Hodson (3):
riched20/tests: Fix function names in two ok() messages.
kernel32/tests: Trace the mapped string when FoldStringW fails.
kernel32/tests: Add broken result for Windows XP and 2003.

Matteo Bruni (1):
d3dcompiler/tests: Fix parameter desc test on d3d10.

Michael Müller (1):
ole32: Fix property name handling for dictionary entries in CP_UNICODE case.

Michael Stefaniuc (35):
dmime: Remove the 'enabled' field from the Tempo track.
dmime: Implement the Lyrics track param methods.
dmime: Implement the ParamControl track param methods.
dmime: Implement the SegTrigger track Get/SetParam.
dmime: Partial implementation of the Marker track Get/SetParam.
dmime: Partial implementation of the Wave track Get/SetParam.
dmime: Partial implementation of the TimeSig track Get/SetParam.
dmime: Partial implementation of the Tempo track SetParam().
dmime: Tempo track supports only GUID_TempoParam in GetParam().
dmime/tests: Add GetParam/SetParam tests for unsupported types.
dmime/tests: Add more GetTrack() tests.
dmime: Fix index handling in segment GetParam().
dmime/tests: Add segment GetParam/SetParam tests.
dmband: Add partial implementation of Band track GetParam/SetParam.
dmloader: Remove commented out dead code.
dmband: Get rid of the redundant debugstr_DMUS_OBJECTDESC().
msado15: Print the debug strings and not the pointers to them.
mountmgr.sys: Use the ARRAY_SIZE() macro.
winetest: Remove superfluous cast to self.
dmband: Move debugstr_fourcc() to dmobject.h.
dmband: Move debugstr_dmguid() to dmobject.c.
dmband: Use only the 'dmfile' debug channel in dmutils.c.
dmband: Simplify dump_DMUS_OBJECTDESC() and move it to dmobject.c.
dmloader: Just use dump_DMUS_OBJECTDESC().
dmloader: Get rid of the 'dmdump' debug channel.
dmloader: Use the debug functions provided by dmobject.[ch].
dmime: Use the debug functions provided by dmobject.[ch].
dmcompos: Use the debug functions provided by dmobject.[ch].
dmscript: Use the debug functions provided by dmobject.[ch].
dmstyle: Use the debug functions provided by dmobject.[ch].
dmusic: Use the debug functions provided by dmobject.[ch].
dswave: Use the debug functions provided by dmobject.[ch].
dmloader: Get rid of single use debugstr_dmreturn().
dmloader: Simplify tracing of the DMUS_CONTAINER_NOLOADS flag.
dmloader: Simplify tracing of DMUS_CONTAINED_OBJF_KEEP flag.

Nikolay Sivov (46):
dwrite: Update to IDWriteFontFace5.
dwrite/tests: Add some tests for IDWriteFontResource.
dwrite: Update to IDWriteFactory7 stub.
ntdll: Use better type for thread description info structure.
ntdll: Add support for querying thread suspend count.
mfplat: Use underlying stream access mode for bytestream capabilities.
mfplat: Set origin name attribute for stream based bytestreams too.
comctl32/tests: Merge header items test with existing function.
comctl32/listview: Fix LVM_GETITEM for out-of-range iSubItem case.
dwrite: Add partial implementation for IDWriteFontResource.
dwrite: Respond to IDWriteFontFace5 queries.
dwrite: Use IDWriteFactory7 internall for fontfaces.
dwrite: Implement GetFontResource() for fontface.
dwrite: Add newer CreateFontFaceReference() variant.
dwrite: Use IDWriteFactory7 for fontface reference object.
dwrite: Use IDWriteFactory7 for collections internally.
dwrite: Use IDWriteFactory7 for layout internally.
dwrite: Use IDWriteFactory7 for gdiinterop.
dwrite: Use IDWriteFactory7 for analyzer.
dwrite: Remove unnecessary casts.
dwrite/tests: Add some tests for reference objects.
oleaut32/typelib: Add a helper to update custom data lists on reallocation.
oleaut32/typelib: Implement DeleteImplType().
ntdll/tests: Enable some more string API tests.
oleaut32/typelib: No need to query self for supported interface.
dwrite: Compare axis values when testing for face reference equality.
dwrite: Implement returning axis values from face reference.
Update to Unicode 12.1.
comctl32/listview: Use wcsnicmp() instead of a local helper.
oleaut32/typelib: Get rid of redundant argument in typeinfo lookup helper.
oleaut32/typelib: Simplify variable and function description lookup helpers.
oleaut32/tests: Use TYPEKIND values.
oleaut32/tests: Add some more tests for GetRefTypeInfo() in case of dual interface.
user32/listbox: Scroll to specified caret index.
user32/listbox: Update caret index on LB_SETSEL.
comctl32/listbox: Scroll to specified caret index.
comctl32/listbox: Update caret index on LB_SETSEL.
ole32: Get rid of some casts in DWORD serialization helper.
ole32: Get rid of casts in WORD serialization helper.
ole32: Get rid of casts in GUID serialization helper.
ole32: Get rid of casts in 64-bit int serialization helper.
ole32/tests: Fix return value trace.
ole32: Use more appropriate type for codepage arguments.
ole32: Properly handle NULL delimiter for item monikers.
ole32: Improve maximum storage size returned for generic composite monikers.
ole32: Handle optional WCHAR data when loading item moniker.

Patrick Hibbs (1):
wtsapi32: Make WTSRegisterSessionNotificationEx's return consistent with WTSRegisterSessionNotification.

Paul Gofman (9):
ddraw/tests: Skip test_colorkey_precision() test on WARP.
wined3d: Support stretching compressed format surfaces in surface_cpu_blt().
ddraw/tests: Add test for stretching compressed format surfaces.
ntdll: Add DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH to NtProtectVirtualMemory().
include: Add STARTUPINFOEX structure definition.
kernel32/tests: Add a basic test for PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_PROCESS process creation attribute.
kernelbase: Support PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_PROCESS in CreateProcessInternalW().
server: Support creating processes with specified parent.
kernel32/tests: Test invalid parent handle in test_parent_process_attribute().

Piotr Caban (8):
msvcrt: Don't depend on how __lc_time_data was allocated in _Getdays.
msvcrt: Don't depend on how __lc_time_data was allocated in _W_Getdays.
msvcrt: Don't depend on how __lc_time_data was allocated in _Getmonths.
msvcrt: Don't depend on how __lc_time_data was allocated in _W_Getmonths.
msvcrt: Don't depend on how __lc_time_data was allocated in _Gettnames.
msvcrt: Mark __lc_time_data strings const.
kernel32: Set all %eax bits on Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection return.
msvcrt: Support mixing length and width in scanf format.

Rémi Bernon (1):
widl: Cast freed pointers to void* to fix discarded-array-qualifiers warning.

Vijay Kiran Kamuju (1):
include: Add missing defines for tokens in winnt.h.

Vincent Povirk (1):
mscoree: Ignore empty privatePath.

Zebediah Figura (56):
strmbase: Don't hold the filter lock while calling IPin::NewSegment().
strmbase/transform: Hold the streaming lock for the entirety of Receive().
winegstreamer/gsttffilter: Don't drop the streaming lock in Gstreamer_transform_ProcessEnd().
d3d9: Use wined3d_stateblock_get_state() in d3d9_device_GetRenderState().
d3d8: Use wined3d_stateblock_get_state() in d3d8_device_GetRenderState().
ddraw: Retrieve render state from the primary stateblock.
wined3d: Move the wined3d_light_state structure to the wined3d_stateblock structure.
wined3d: Introduce wined3d_stateblock_get_state().
wined3d: Store the blend factor in the stateblock as a render state.
strmbase: Use a separate critical section for the SourceSeeking structure.
winegstreamer: Don't hold the filter lock from the pad-added or pad-removed callbacks.
winegstreamer: Also wait for the no-more-pads signal when pausing the filter.
winegstreamer: Use strmbase state change methods.
winegstreamer: Fix the timeout passed to gst_element_get_state().
wineqtdecoder: Use strmbase filter state change methods.
wineqtdecoder: Don't expose IMediaSeeking from the sink pin.
wineqtdecoder: Don't expose IMediaSeeking from the filter.
qedit/samplegrabber: Use BaseFilterImpl_JoinFilterGraph().
qcap/avico: Use strmbase filter state change methods.
qcap/avimux: Use strmbase filter state change methods.
qcap: Rework v4l2 state change logic.
strmbase: Get rid of the "vtbl" parameter to strmbase_filter_init().
strmbase: Correctly implement IVideoWindow::NotifyOwnerMessage().
quartz/vmr9: Create the rendering window when the filter is created.
quartz/tests: Port IVideoWindow tests to the VMR.
strmbase: Create the video window with the correct styles.
wined3d: Introduce wined3d_stateblock_multiply_transform().
ddraw: Update the primary stateblock in d3d_device7_MultiplyTransform().
d3d9: Update the primary stateblock in d3d9_device_MultiplyTransform().
d3d8: Update the primary stateblock in d3d8_device_MultiplyTransform().
wineqtdecoder: Move the SourceSeeking structure to the source pin.
winegstreamer: Use BasePinImpl_QueryInterface().
wineqtdecoder: Use BasePinImpl_QueryInterface().
qcap/avimux: Use BasePinImpl_QueryInterface().
qcap/avimux: Use BaseOutputPinImpl_Disconnect().
qcap/avimux: Use BaseOutputPinImpl_Connect().
strmbase: Get rid of the "vtbl" argument to strmbase_source_init().
strmbase: Combine the SetMediaType() and CompleteConnect() callbacks.
strmbase: Pass an AM_MEDIA_TYPE pointer to CompleteConnect().
strmbase: Add callbacks for sink (dis)connection.
strmbase/transform: Use base sink connection methods.
strmbase/renderer: Use base sink connection methods.
strmbase: Check for a NULL media type in IPin::ReceiveConnection().
qcap/avimux: Use strmbase sink connection methods.
winegstreamer: Store the sink as a strmbase_sink structure.
winegstreamer: Use base sink connection methods.
qcap/avico: Use base sink connection methods.
qedit/samplegrabber: Use strmbase sink connection methods.
wineqtdecoder: Store the sink as a strmbase_sink structure.
wineqtdecoder: Use base sink connection methods.
strmbase: Introduce callbacks for streaming events.
strmbase/transform: Use base sink streaming methods.
strmbase/renderer: Use base sink streaming methods.
winegstreamer: Use base sink streaming methods.
wineqtdecoder: Use base sink streaming methods.
strmbase: Get rid of the "vtbl" parameter to strmbase_sink_init().

Zhiyi Zhang (3):
user32/tests: Import functions if possible.
user32/tests: Test cursor clip rectangles in per-monitor aware context.
user32/tests: Use a higher resolution in test_ChangeDisplaySettingsEx().
