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A new version of Winetricks has been released. Winetricks is an easy way to work around problems in Wine.

Winetricks is an easy way to work around problems in Wine.

It has a menu of supported games/apps for which it can do all the workarounds automatically. It also allows the installation of missing DLLs and tweaking of various Wine settings.

The latest version can be downloaded here:

Tagged releases are accessible here:


The winetricks package should be used if it is available and up to date. The package is available in most mainstream (Unix-like) Operating Systems:

Note: packaged Debian / Ubuntu winetricks versions are typically outdated, so a manual installation is recommended.

If the package is unavailable, outdated, or the latest version is desired, a manual installation of winetricks can be done. It is highly recommended to uninstall any previously installed version of winetricks first.

