Mandriva 1274 Published by

XFCE One, a xfce live CD that based on Mandriva has been released

The Mandriva community is proud to offer another XFCE edition to the users. This edition is not a Mandriva product (so do not expect any kind of support directly from Mandriva), but has been completed with a great cooperation between the company and the community.

We tried our best to provide the experience possible using XFCE Live but so far some issues still stand. We do not consider those issues are very blocking ones, but we rather mention them here so you can know what to do in case you would encounter those problems.

This edition contains bug fixes as available on the mirrors at the 23th of October, which should solve some installations and usage issues, but we strongly recommend to install the next updates while you have installed on the disk the XFCE desktop.

If you encounter any xfce-specific problem, please report it in the Mandriva Bug tracking system.
XFCE One, release 2009.0