Red Hat 9062 Published by takes a look at a few features of yum in Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1

Search is more user-friendly – As we maintain yum we are always looking for the “minor” changes that can make a big difference to the user, and this is probably one of the biggest minor changes. As of late RHEL-5 and RHEL-6.0 “yum search” was great for finding obscure things that you knew something about but with 6.1 we’ve hopefully made it useful for finding the “everyday” packages you can’t remember the exact name of. We did this by excluding a lot of the “extra” hits, when you get a large search result. For instance “yum search kvm manager” is pretty useless in RHEL-6.0, but in RHEL-6.1 you should find what you want very quickly.
  Yum in Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1