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John Paul Wohlscheid published a tutorial about using the ZFS Filesystem that comes with Ubuntu Linux 19.10 (Eoan Ermine)

Using ZFS Filesystem on Ubuntu 19.10

Ubuntu 19.10 gives the ability to install use ZFS on root. What is ZFS filesystem and how to use it? This tutorial tries to answer your questions.

ZFS is designed with two major goals in mind: to handle large amounts of storage and prevent data corruption. ZFS can handle up to 256 quadrillion Zettabytes of storage. (Hence the Z in ZFS.) It can also handle files up to 16 exabytes in size.

If you are limited to a single drive laptop, you can still take advantage of the data protection features in ZFS. The copy-on-write feature ensures that data that is in use is not overwritten. Instead, the new information is written to a new block and the filesystem’s metadata is updated to point to the new block. ZFS can easily create snapshots of the filesystem. These snapshots track changes made to the filesystem and share with the filesystem the data that is the same to save space.

Using ZFS Filesystem on Ubuntu 19.10