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A new version of Zorin OS for old and low-spec computers has been released.

Zorin OS 16 Lite is Here

Less than 4 months since the release of Zorin OS 16, we’re thrilled to say that it’s been downloaded 

over 1 million
 times. We’ve been overwhelmed by the terrific feedback we’ve heard from users around the world and the press. Thank you all for helping to make this the biggest release of Zorin OS ever!

Today, we’re excited to announce the release of Zorin OS 16 Lite. It condenses the full Zorin OS 16 experience into a streamlined operating system, designed to run on low-spec computers as old as 15 years. We believe this is more important than ever, after the obsolescence of older PCs in Windows 11 during a global chip shortage. By pairing the most advanced and efficient software with a user-friendly experience, we’ve made it possible for anyone to extend the lifespan of their computers for years to come.


To get Zorin OS 16 Lite now visit the  Download page or read on to learn about what’s new since Zorin OS 15 Lite.

Zorin OS 16 Lite is Here - Zorin